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First and foremost, I would like to thank all of you for reading this. I appreciate it so much! I would love if you spread the word! Ales still loves you. Thank you for reading! Please comment! Oh, by the way, can you tap/click that little star? It means a lot to me.

Second, I am still trying to make a plan for posting. It might weirdly placed, but I'm going to try for once a week, and maybe I might give y'all a second chapter(as a treat)!

Third, please, we are all human. If you catch a mistake that I have made, please leave a comment. I have written and attempted to edit this, but stuff will always slip through. I appreciate you guys so much for reading this and I want it to be as great of a reading experience that I can make it!

Fourth, I would love it if you could follow my two partners in crime, NessyGirl02  and Canvas_7 . They helped me get through Nanowrimo and have been my writing buddies and best friends forever!

Without further ado, here's the book(sorry for keeping you reading all this stuff, I know you want to read the story)! Enjoy!

-MT 😉

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