Chapter 13

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Hey guys! So...I'm way sorry that I haven't posted in a while. So, to make it up to you, I am going to post this chapter and 5 others. I won't be using this whole bold writing stuff for quite a while so that way I can post more. So, happy reading and I will see you sometime!


When I checked my phone again, it said that it was 12:30. That would explain my growling stomach. Well, that and the fact that I didn't have much to eat for breakfast. Besides the banana. Banana's are a good source of potassium. Always bring a banana to a party.

"Can we eat at a restaurant or something? I'm hungry and it is obvious that we are not going to leave the island. So I think that we can eat at a restaurant," I said.

"Finally!" Felecia said. "I'm starving! And, I've been craving some good food."

"No!" Mina said.

"Why not?" Felecia whined.

"Because, we could get spotted! It's to dangerous."

"But no one should know," Felecia shot back.

Mina let out a long sigh.

"Fine. But something small, like a tiny pub."

"Alright, deal!" Felecia exclaimed.

I let out a laugh as we headed down the street. There wasn't much in Fin Town, but it was well known for its small shops and unique finds. I knew that a small pub would be easy to find. I let my gaze wander on some of the shops.

Not for buying, I reminded myself, Just for looking.

There were cute purses, glorious books, and...WAS THAT A PRANK SHOP?! I had to enter.

"PRANK SHOP!!!" I squealed.

Mina shook her head, but Felecia seemed to forget about her hunger and let out a squeal as well.

"Fine," Mina moaned.

I sprinted for the door and took a look inside. This was a real beauty. A rare find. I would have to come back some time.

Really? Once the entire island was dead, Clin was supposed to "arise from the ashes". Will this shop even exist after this?

I didn't really care. I was going in and exploring.

"We can't stay here long," Mina warned. "I don't want to fall into trouble."

We nodded. I let my eyes take a look at all of the things in here. It was almost like a dream.

My eyes spotted a section for warding off people. I all of a sudden didn't care about my buy nothing policy. Who knew when we would need that.

I found some more of my loud snaps. Those were a must. I was running out. Then, something caught my eye. Ordinary objects turned into bows and arrows! There were pens and popsicle sticks. I went with the pen. It had a hole drilled in the center with a perfect place to put the "arrow". The arrow was actually the insides of a pen. Or, a sharp metal piece attached to a strong material that LOOKED like the insides of a pen. The string was a tight rubber band that was tied in two holes on either side of the pen.

It was perfect. I found the sheath, one of those large, no, HUGE pens that were hollowed out. There were about 12-24 pen arrows in there. This thing was MINE! I grabbed it and walked up to the front.

Once I paid and went back outside, I found an annoyed Mina and a sad Felicia waiting on a bench.

"Ready your Royal Highness?" Mina asked irritably.

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