Chapter 19

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Aren't you proud of me?


"Miss me?" Jayden asked as we walked into the kitchen.

"Nope. Not one bit," I responded immediately.

Mina gave me the 'ooooh la la! you love him so!' look.

I responded with the 'shut up!' look.

See? That's what friends are for!

"Tonight on the menu is spaghetti and my world famous meatballs. We have caesar salad for the side and brownies for dessert."

"By world famous, do you mean, only one person has ever eaten them?" I asked.

"Hey! Don't critic my work! I could be a renounded chef on Food Network!"

"But instead, you picked the thug life with us, two girls who are killing the entire island of Clin!" I retorted.

"Must you have a comeback for everything?" Jayden asked.

"I always do. You're almost to easy."

We all laughed. Jayden started boiling water for the pasta, while heating up the oil for the meatballs, making the meatballs, and making the salad. The brownie mix sat on the table, and he looked ready to lunge for that too. He was trying not to contaminate anything with his hands covered in raw meat. Clearly though, he was doing to much.

"Need help?" Mina asked.

"No. I got it," Jayden responded.

"No you don't. Let us help," I said.

Mina let out a small giggle. I gave her another 'shut up' look.

"Fine," he said.

I took over the baking. I was a baker. Ever since I was very small, I had baked with my mom, for my mom, or for someone, or thing, else. Baking was  a passion of mine.

Mina took over making the salad and watching over the stuff on the stove, putting in the pasta when it was ready and lowering the temperature on the oil when it started bubbling everywhere.

Together, we worked as a team to get dinner ready. It was a good team work exercise. Something that we would need for our future work. Future as in tomorrow. I had another plan, and it was coming at them tonight.

We finished dinner easily with our teamwork. Mina and I set the table and then we all sat down to the delicious meal. We savored it for a little while, not speaking a single word. Then, I figured that it was time to talk of my plan.

"So, Jayden. Welcome to the group. I know that the work that we do isn't easy, or pretty, but we have to do it. And the sooner we do it, the better. So tomorrow, unfortunately, we have to get back to the dirty business," I say.

"Do you have a plan?" Jayden asked.

"Actually, I was just about to talk about that. I do have a plan. It's not going to be fun, if you ever imagined it to be. We  need to pack, but lightweight. I'm sick and tired of carrying around the stupid tent."

"Is that your plan? Cause, it's awful."

"No. That is only part of it. The weather has been helping out nicely. Tomorrow is supposed to hit a record high. So, just like today, I need to wink at people and then pretend that they passed out. But I can't go on like today. It will be to suspicious. So, we need to differentiate.

"Perhaps we start off this way, winking at people in different places so it appears that they have passed out. We should call some other emergency personal in order to wipe out more help."

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