Chapter 20

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Weeks have passed since I first met Jayden. We've been using the same routine. Start to ask a question, then wink.

I can tell that the others are starting to feel useless. What can you do when killing someone was a one man job? Not a lot.

But, of course, the company was nice. It was always great to have someone to talk to, to pour your heart into. When I wanted to give in, they would be there to calm me down. That's why they were there. Moral support. Company.

Luckily, the weather had been working in our favor. Many people still believe that the people who have died died because of heat stroke. Many have been staying indoors for fear of the heat. That's the only downside to the weather scheme I guess.

We have been getting different emergency personal out. We've gotten the fire department, medical care, and even tow truckers. But not the police. The police was a no no zone. We could be put in jail or worse if we got caught by them.

I have killed hundreds, and maybe even thousands of people. I lost count. I never was keeping count in the first place.

We've kept our base in Fin Town, in Jayden's apartment. There, we have food for our bellies, beds to sleep in, and a roof to stay under. But that doesn't mean that we have been staying in Fin Town.

Fin Town is non-existent. Well, except for the people who come through, thinking that they are going to leave the island. They never do.

I've taken the opportunity to stock up on all things pranking since no one lives in Fin Town anymore. We still have some stuff there, in case if we need more. But I have some good things that will help us if we ever need it.

We've mane some other towns blank as well. Many dead people still lie on the street, unmoving, expression still there from when I asked, or, started to ask a question. But soon, though, we would need faster transportation to get to the other cities of Clin. We were walking, jogging, and even running to get where we needed. It was a slow process.

I would have used my bike, but I remembered horrendously that I had left it back at the train station by where I lived. Blank City. It was a beautiful place. It was also where everyone I ever knew lived. That's why I didn't want to go there until the very end. When we had to.

"Jayden, perhaps, within all the crap that you own, do you have something that we can use for transportation?" Mina asked. "A car, perhaps?"

"No," Jayden said.

"Motor scooter, perhaps?" I asked.

"I only have one."

"ANYTHING?!" Mina yelled.

"One motor scooter is all I have. It's all I need too. I've been just one person in an apartment for a long time. I've never needed more than one."

Oh, and you might be wondering. Status quo on Jayden and I? Nada. Still just friends. Only friends. Why would I date him anyways? I don't care if I have a crush on him. I don't want to date. And besides, I like dissing him and putting him in his place. It's fun!

"Well, we do have all of Fin Town to find something. We can find transportation easy," I said.

Mina and Jayden nodded.

"Let's go!" Jayden said.

Now it was me and Mina's turn to nod.

We walked out the door, careful to keep to the shadows. We were lucky that the police stations were in Middle City. But, as figured, the police had launch an all out investigation. They didn't believe that so many people had died to a heat stroke.

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