Chapter 3

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I'm starving as heck. My stomach is growling and I still have 30 minutes 'til lunch. I didn't have a snack. I could chew gum, but that was against her classroom rules. I'm tempted just to ask her, since I've become her teachers pet, but I don't want to reveal my rule breaking sense.

But if I get any hungrier, I'm going to have to ask.

"Class. I don't know if you know this already, but the law states that as fourth graders, you are eligible for learning the wink. We take the wink seriously here, because of the great prophecy that our first king proclaimed."

Ms. Zusteller whipped out a book and cleared her throat. I was very familiar with the myth of the first king. Or, as some called it, Clin's destiny. Mom used to tell me the oral version of it when I was little. She abbreviated it because she believed that it would never happen. Therefore, the details were not important. But still, its my favorite story!

The written version, however, would be packed with all the details. I forgot my growling stomach and really tuned in.

"The very first king, King Davalac, created a prophecy, one that Clin would eventually recognize as its pride and glory. Here is what he said:

"In the future, near or far, Clin will see its greatest uprise and downfall. A child will be born. This child, be it boy or girl, will have an extraordinary talent. The ability to kill one with a wink.

"This child will be born with a daunting task. He or she must kill the entire population. May there be 50 people or 1 million people, every single one of them must die. They may receive no help. The child on their own must kill everyone. No other person may be able to kill them in an unnatural way.

"Those who believe will die willingly; those who do not will fight. But eventually, they will come to terms with their fate. If the child is killed, Clin will fall into shambles. If the child succeeds, Clin will arise new from the ashes. The choice is the island's and the island's only. You will be the one's to decide whether or not Clin will survive. Choose wisely."

We sat in silence for a little while, taking in the deepness of her words. Winking to us now was no longer a fun game. When she said we were old enough and responsible enough, she was not joking.

I never realized how serious winking could be.

"Now then," Ms. Zusteller said, "I am trusting you all with this important information. You cannot teach any other student younger then fourth grade this. Winking is a serious matter not to be taken jokingly. It is basically blinking, but with only one eye. Watch."

Ms. Zusteller proceeded to close and open one eye quickly, like she was blinking with one eye, just as she said.

"Your turn," she said.

I found a poster in the wall and winked at it. It took a little bit, but I got the hang out it. Winking was actually fun.

"You can now try it with the other eye," Ms. Zusteller said.

She again winked, but with her other eye.

I tried once again. With all the practice from my right eye, my left eye was almost a breeze.

"Please, don't wink directly at someone's eyes. If this prophecy is true, which I'm not saying it is or it isn't, we do not want to be killing anyone today."

We nodded. We continued to practice winking. It was like learning a new language or something. It was fun. Some of the guys thought that it would be funny to wink at one another directly in the eyes. The doubled over laughing.

"That is a direct office referral! Don't you how serious this is? I don't want to see it again! Even if your not the chosen, I don't care! Someone could get killed if you were!"

The guys nodded and stopped laughing. They realized that even if they could wink all they wanted, they were not the chosen ones. There frowns grew larger as they received their office referral pass. I couldn't help but have a big grin on the inside. Sucks for them!!!

The boys left with sullen faces. Ms. Zusteller had an exasperated look. The class was silent, we had all stopped winking. The seriousness of this matter was deafening. She turned to us with a sigh.

"I hope that you see the seriousness of the matter. Use these boys as an example. Please be careful. You may read."

We sat down and whipped put some books, attempting to read. I could see some kids winking at their books, still fascinated with what they could do. The bell rang through the air, and I was finally released to lunch, my stomach growling all the way.


Hey guys! I just realized that all I say is guys. Girls are included in that phrase too! Did that sound weird? Oh my gosh. I need to stop.

Anyways...did that put a whole new perspective on winking for you? I know it did for me! I was writing this and was like woah dude! I never thought of winking like that!

So happy to see you this Wednesday! I know that today isn't a Moday or Friday but I have t bee updating as frequently. I'm super sorry about that guys. And girls. Oh god!

I know it's been a long week. I'm super tired. I say that a lot too. But it's TRUE! I'm waking up earlier than most people on school days. Especially Wednesday's. Woohoo.

Anyways. I would like to dedicate this chapter to Canvas_7 . Thanks for being my friend to the end! Oh. And my confetti child buddy🎉🎊!

Do you see that poor, friendless star? Do you think that you could click on it and be its friend? Thanks!


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