Chapter 25

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I. Can't. Believe. My. Life. Here I am. An average civilian. Well, I guess not so average based on the past events. But still. Here I was. Standing in the throne room. With the king standing in front of me. King Struja. Amazing.

The man pushed me forward into the room. The doors shut behind me. I took a nervous gulp and looked around. Large windows were stretched along the walls, too high to see out, but big enough to fill the room with light. There was a large chandelier hanging high above my head. The large red carpet stretched until it reached a raised platform where a single throne rested. There were about three steps to reach up to the top. Sitting on the throne was King Struja.

King Struja was wearing a large robe, just like he always wore when he appeared on TV. But he was wearing something I had never seen him wearing before. Sun glasses. Okay. Weird.

The man gave me a hard elbow to my gut. I bowed over, clutching my stomach. Then I realized why he had done that. Duh! Am I stupid? I might be.

You have to bow to the king! Geez! Maybe I am stupid!

I stayed in that position for a little while. Then I stood and said "Your majesty."

The man did the same thing.

"Iton, you may leave," King Struja said.

"But, your Majesty-"

"I said leave!"

The man, Iton, bowed low again.

"Your majesty," he said.

Then, he spun on his heels and walked out the door. The king turned towards me. I gulped once more.

"Ales Curtafin," the king said.

"Your majesty," I said with a bow.

"Come," he said.

I took a few tentative steps forward, nervousness rattling in every step. I stopped in front of the king again and bowed again. The king removed his sun glasses.

"Let's leave the formalities. We are here and alone. I had the security camera's turned off and muted. I don't want anyone watching or listening. I just need to know, Ales, are you the chosen."

I kept my silence, swaying back and forth on my feet. I was nervous and scared. Who knew what he could do to me? He could execute me right here right now! So why all the privacy?

"Ales, I'm here to help you not to hurt you. Everyone here thinks that you are going to murder them. That's why I had to have Iton ruff handle you like that. That's why I wore the sunglasses. People thought that I would be safe if I wore them. People thought that if you were blindfolded and hand cuffed, then you wouldn't be able to hurt anyone. But now they're gone and it's just you and me. So tell me Ales. Are you the chosen one?"

I took a deep breath. I let my self gulp. Then I opened my mouth.

"Yes," I breathed.

It was almost inaudible. It came out like I almost didn't believe it. And that was true. After all I had been through. After everything that I had done. Losing my best friend. Killing half the population. And meeting the king. I knew that I was the chosen one. I had even owned up to it. And yet, I still didn't believe it.

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