Chapter 8

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Hey guys! So...I'm in the car heading home from swim practice and I remember...Hey! Oh my gosh! It's Monday! I gotta post! I'm so sorry but at least I am posting. My weekend has been a disaster from Church Camp to Region Tryouts to staying up late. Just so you know, I did make region! Just in case if you were wondering. I was also 6th for Soprano 2. Woohoo!

I have spent all day in a daze. I've been half asleep which caused me to miss 3 questions on my history quiz. It's a daily grade, but still...

Well, that has been my life. Here is your chapter before you kill me.


Car rides are long. Super long. Especially when your mom is the driver and you want to get there fast and you're super embarrassed that your MOM has to drive you to school because you don't have a drivers license.

God I can't wait until I can drive!

If I had a lot of friends, preferably juniors and  seniors, then I would hitch a ride. But I don't. So I'm stuck getting a ride.

Of course I'm not the only one. About half the school drops off out front with their parents. I don't whether or not their embarrassed, but I sure am.

Like, all of the freshman's and sophomores get dropped off by their parents. We're to young to drive. Although, I do have my drivers permit.

I scare Mom when I drive, but I think I am the best driver in the world. 

Could my birthday be any later? It's all the way in December!

Sure, ok. So it is closer than most sophomores. Ooooook. But I have waited forEVER for this.

I kind of want to drive. Yea.

Did you really BELIEVE ME? I want to drive so bad, it's not even funny.

Why would I KINDA want to drive if I've sat here ranting? Really?

Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now.

School was showing on the horizon. I texted Felecia and Mina, telling them to watch the school feed. It was hilarious.

The teachers we standing around, gawking like idiots. They couldn't even take a step into the building because of the cups. One teacher whipped out her phone. She was, with out a doubt, calling the principal.

Eventually, the principal showed up on the scene. You wouldn't believe what he did next. You would have thought that he would have yelled. He would have been mad for falsely taken out of the building for a week. But no. He was none of that. So do you know what he did?

He laughed.

That's right. He just laughed. He was wiping away tears when he was done. The teachers joined him, but not in full belly laughs. They just did this awkward laugh when you laugh with some one, but don't find it funny.

Luckily for me, I had a audio system included with the cameras. So I tuned in.

"This is wonderful! I haven't ever seen this done! Usually, I would bat away such childish behavior and give them detention, but I just can't do that. It was well put together. Let the students see this. We're going to have some fun."

I was taken aback. Did the principal just approve of our work?

I sent a quick text to Felicia and Mina, and received confusion as well. Nobody knew why the principal was excited about our little...stunt.

But before I could think of an answer, the school peaked it's ugly head from out of the horizon. Students swarmed around it like bees, confused on how this happened.

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