Chapter 34

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Days had past. No, it seemed more like weeks. Forever. I was seemingly lost in a twirling spiral of time, endlessly being knocked in the head as I spun. The king had provided transportation to the places I needed to go.

With encouragement from Mina, Jayden, and Danica (if it doesn't sound too twisted) I had managed to take out practically the entire population of Clin. With the danger of the police, despite the Kings attempts to stop them, we had to still be discreet.

Some of them had gotten close to catching us. I had gotten so quick at winking, that I managed to pull ourselves out of danger.

I mostly kept Danica on my watch, watching her walk along and talking to us the whole time was just heart lifting. But finally, we had come to the end of the tunnel. My mom, my friends, the police, and the members of the palace still remained. We had scanned over every nook and cranny. Everyone was gone.

It made you feel lonely. That you were alone on a wide stretch of land. And it just put too much stress on one person. Jayden had tried to help me, even announcing that we were officially dating. It helped a little, but I always found my mind traveling back to Danica's tragic story. How was this helping?

I often found myself curled up in a ball on my bed. Despite the comforts of the room, I felt as though I was back inside the dungeon below the palace. It had seemed so long ago that I was in there but yet, I felt as though I had never left.

Eventually, the time came to round up the officers. The king sent them here for it was less dangerous then trying to face them alone.

I was lined by my 3 best friends. We walked silently towards the horror that awaited us. I was nervous and despite my friends attempts to soothe me,
I was still shaking. They had witnessed everything that had happened, but they still didn't feel the same weight and guilt as me. Only the horror.

"Ales. Welcome. Before you enter, I would like to inform you that your services have meant a great deal to us. These are the last of the outsiders. Thank-"

"Please," I said holding up my hand.

I was close to my breaking point. Danica could see it, and then looked over at the man. The man who had spoken, a guard, seemed to protest. His eyes met with Danica's stern warning ones and he closed his mouth and opened the door.

The police were in a line, looking read to die for their country. Mina gave my hand a squeeze before going to the corner. Danica gave me a kiss on the cheek before hopping over to Mina's watch. My cheek tingled to where her blue light had been once before. Jayden gave me a hug before joining my friends. King Struja looked at me square in the eye before talking.

"The officers have been briefed on the situation at hand. Please continue your duty to this country," he said quietly.

I nodded and then looked at the first officer. He didn't reveal any emotional I winked. The officers shook a little, but moved the line forwards.

I continued the process, my body breaking a little more after everyone. After the line was gone, I felt emptied and broken. Before the king could say anything, I turned and sprinted out of the room. I ran all the way to my room then locked the door and jumped on to the bed.

I cried my eyes out. I cried my heart out. Heck, I cried my soul out. I heard voices outside. It was my friends. Mina convinced Danica to go inside and comfort me. I turned off the holo-tabs with a push of a button, and Danica was locked outside too.

I refused to leave for hours. The next day, I heard a knock.

"What?" My scratchy voice sobbed.

"Can we please come in?"

It was Danica and Mina.

"No," I said.

"Please?" Mina asked.

"No!" I cried.

"It's about Jayden, your loved one," Danica said softly.

That stopped me. What about Jayden?

I cleaned myself up, then unlocked the holo-tabs and the door. Mina and Danica came rushing inside.

"You need to go to Jayden's room," Mina said.


"Just go!" She cried, shoving me out the door.

Danica followed me close behind. I opened the door and found it empty. A flash of white caught my eye. It was an envelope on Jayden's bed.

"We haven't opened it," Mina said.

I opened it up and my heart wrenched again. It was a letter from Jayden. Since my friends were here, I decided to read the letter aloud.

Dear Ales,

My love. I have loved you ever since we met. I loved our bickering and slow falling for each other. But after seeing you with the officers, I found a whole new meaning.

Ales, you are gentle. You may act tough, but it is hard to heal what is already broken. After seeing how hard with was dealing with the officers, I knew how hard it would be to take me too.

So I wanted to let you know where I went. I am where land meets sea, at the place where we first met. I've decided to end my life for you, so you don't have to live with the hurt and guilt.

Please don't try to save me. I've made my choice for the betterment of you. I love you Ales. Please don't for get that. Please don't forget about me. I promise I will never forget you


I put the paper down.

"The place where we first met. That was Fin Town, wasn't it?" Mina asked.

"We need to go there," I said.

"I have the way," Danica said, finally speaking.

Mina and I turned to her.

"How?" I asked.

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