Chapter 33

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"When I was younger, my dad and I had a strong connection. We could never be severed. The island wooed about the new princess and how wonderful she would be. That was me. I learned well from my father. My mother gave me dresses that I loved and I always enjoyed talking in front of the camera, even when I made a fool of myself. Yes, I was cut out for the royal life.

"When I got older, I started realizing how full of myself I was. I was worried. I started leaving more, and donating to the poor. I set up programs so my people would be in good hands. I never wanted anyone to be hurt. When I started helping people, crime rates went down. I set up a help the people program for people dealing with issues that they needed help solving. Point is, I started taking my role seriously.

"When I turned 12, my father gave me a special present. He gave me one of the latest holo-tabs. I had dreamed of getting one for years. And finally, I had one. Unbelievably happy, I started playing around with it. I found ways to send out help without needing to leave the palace. I was happy.

"That night, he took me to the electronics lab. He unveiled a scanner that his men had worked on for a long while. It was a scanner that could save a digital file to a computer of what the person was like in every way. A hologram, for that matter. I could have a hologram of me.

"He scanned me in and told me that I was the first to be scanned. And it worked. The next day, I had my own me, with her own personality and mind, to play with. I could spend hours with myself. She helped me complete more tasks and even play games or read stories with me when I was feeling exhausted.

"Every year, for my birthday, my father would scan me. It was for the most recent data. I still used my 12-year-old-me, who started calling me an older sister due to the growing age gap.

"Well, I soon turned 17, growing strong. My father saw that at 17, I was ready for marriage. But I didn't want to get married. He kept throwing options in my face, and I would toss them aside. I wanted to get married when I found someone I loved, not when my father wanted me to. I didn't want to marry a stranger.

"He eventually got fed up with me. Our disagreements grew and soon our relationship began to crumble. But then my father found a man from another kingdom. A prince, who would unite the two islands together. But I didn't want to marry him. The only reason why we would marry was because of trade agreements.

"I didn't want my marriage to be only for trade and uniting. But, alas, I was forced to marry him. One the eve of our wedding, he came to me before my gown was on. I was still dressed in a light blue gala, one of my favorites. His appearance startled me, for I didn't expect him to show up to my room.

"He explained to me how his country didn't want trade agreements, only control over the island. He said that because I was unwilling, I was no use to the land. He killed me with a knife shortly after.

"My father was raging mad. The young man was confined for a life long term. The island went into mourning and my hologram was suddenly alone. He still doesn't talk to me because I was his daughters best friend. I was his daughters computer form. And if he talked to me, he would break down crying.

"No one uses me for years. When not being used, I could only wander around the blank nothingness for holograms when not in use. But when you came, my father thought that I would be of use to you. So I was put back in business. You were the best friend I could have ever imagined. I never wanted to be lonely again. It was so wonderful having the pleasure of meeting you. I hope you will never forget me."

Her words floated through the air. I was shocked to no end, but eventually, I could speak once more.

"I apologize. My heart is heavy with sympathy right now. But let me tell you I will never forget you. I have my watch. I will always have you there even when I'm not talking to you. I give you my word."

"Thank you," she whispered.

My mind floated through the words and questions followed shortly after.

"What became of the scanner?" I asked.

"He put it out of use after my death."

"And what happened to your mother?"

"Still here, but after being shunned by the public for attempting to bring me back from the dead in secret, she isn't much of a public figure. She still is one of the nicest people I've met."

"Sorry. I realize this is all a touchy subject for you."

"No problem. You have confided in me, now I needed to confide in you."

I nodded. I let the silence stretch on, each other not saying a word. Just our presence alone was comforting. Eventually, Danica broke the silence with a soft voice.



"I have confided in you. But right now, the public needs you. I understand that you don't want to, but right now, the island is in shambles. So I must ask, no, plead with you. Will you go finish what you started?"

I sat in silence. I wanted to push her question out of my head. The thing I had been trying to forget kept reoccurring. But after a long fight with myself, my mind had come to a conclusion.

"If it is my duty and purpose in life, then I will fulfill your request."

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