Chapter 10

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                            's Monday. Not very fun. But, if you are like me, in the US or Texas or something, then you have Friday AND Monday off! Amazing, huh? Well, I hope that you enjoy and whatever is happening to you this week, have fun!


It took a little while, but eventually, I had a plan mapped out. Unfortunately, it involved leaving the house with a note attached. It was kind of like when you're little and you want to run away for some stupid reason that made you hate your parents. If you never had that happen to you, then kudos to you. You've survived a major turning stone in life.

I had a backpack filled with the necessities. Food, water, clothes, a small tent, umbrella, etc. I decided that I was going to tell Mina and Felicia, and hopefully, they would come with me.

Dinner had been awkward. Mom and I just kind of sat there in silence, eating slowly. I took a shower and now I was laying down in my bed. I figured the time was now to text them.

Can y'all text?

M: Yea

F: Yes

Ok. I need to tell you something, but you can't tell anyone else, ok?

M: Sure

F: Woah, man. Getting dark, are ya?

Sure, so ya know the pranks we played today? Well, the principal knew it was us.

F: Dude, really? I don't care if the world hears that we did it.

Let me finish! He came up to me after you guys left and told me how he liked our pranks and that he knew it was us. I didn't respond 'cause I thought he might change and give us detention tomorrow!

M: Ok...

F: And this should be kept a secret because...

No! I am still not done! Eventually, he left. When I looked up, he winked at me! And I winked back! And then he fell over. I thought that he had passed out, but the truth is, he is dead.

F: Seriously? Isn't that, like, cardiac arrest or something?

M: That's what that voicemail was about. No one knows about the winking though, right?

F: Wait, what voicemail?

M: Saying that we have no school tomorrow because the principal died during pick up.

Nobody knows about the winking.

F: Cool man! So, when do we get started, ya know, with the undercover work and stuff.

M: Wait, we're going WITH?!

F: Yea. Besties, am I right?

M: Cool, I'm in. Secrets, danger, sounds like fun to me!

No! I want to get off the island! I'm not going around killing people! I'm not killing y'all, my mom, anyone at school, and even the people I hate! I'm not a cold-blooded murderer!

F: We're mammals, so we're warm-blooded

No! I don't kill people! I am not a murderer!

F: Point taken. So...when do we leave?

As soon as humanly possible. I'm writing a note to my mom, so I suggest  that you do the same.

M: Got it. Where should we meet?

At the train station. There is one that leaves in 30 minutes.

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