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Soft cries from the young echoed through the hall as Brittaly rushed down the hall. Her little daughter, her only daughter, lay in her crib, ready to go to bed. Her little fists best in her knees as tears flowed down her cheeks, practically begging for attention. The child hated being alone.

"Now, now, Ales," she cooed, attempting to calm down the child.

The baby's bright blue eyes rose up to meet hers. He tiny tears stopes as she realized that Brittaly had finally arrived. Her tiny mouth opened and little laughing hiccups came out. The girl clapped her tiny fists, smiling her cute baby smile.

Brittaly couldn't help but smile. This young girl, this tiny baby, was her life. This tiny baby was the one she held closest to her heart. It was the only one left. Her husband had left her, and everyday she had sat by the window, waiting for him to return. But he never did. People claimed that he was dead, but Brittaly didn't believe them. She still sat by the window, along with baby Ales, waiting for him to come home.

Tears stung her eyes. No! She thought. Don't think about that! She then turned her attention to her baby, allowing herself to fill with happiness. Her blues ran away as she settled into the rocking chair that was place next to crib.

"Story?" Brittaly asked, turning on that higher pitched voice that someone would use for talking to pets and baby's.

The baby's smile grew, as she laughed her baby laugh and clapped her tiny fists once more. Her smile was almost like an amazingly bright lightbulb, it literally filled the world with light. Perhaps it could be the sun, always seen somewhere in the world. Brittaly smiled as she lifted the baby out of the crib and into her lap. She gently began to rock back and forth as she pulled a blanket over the two of them.

Brittaly ran through the many stories in her head. She knew that Ales wouldn't like it if she repeated a story- the infant had a strange way of knowing which stories Brittaly had told her. She had told Ales the classics and sung all the songs. Brittaly was running out of ideas. Then, one struck her. She wondered whether or not she could tell the baby the story, for it had violence.

But with one look from the baby's eyes, she knew that she would have no voice in whether or not to tell her. The baby would have heard the story later, for it was one of the most popular stories there were. It was practically the foundation of the mystical island that she resides on.

Not a story, she thought, a myth and a prophecy. But it is absolutely ridiculous and should only be looked on as a story. It is not even worth being called a story! But Ales will eventually hear this, so I suppose that I might as well get it over with.

And so Brittaly opened her mouth to tell the tale.

"Ales, I don't know if I should be telling you this," she started. As she said these words, the baby's eyes grew brighter.

Silly girl, always a trouble maker. Wanting to hear a story I say she probably shouldn't be hearing, Brittaly chuckled to herself.

"But I will tell you anyways," she continued. "You will hear this story one day. It is something that many people take as a part of our culture. You will hear it in school from the teachers and kids. It will be important. If there are any stories that you should remember, it will be this one."

She took a deep breath.

"Long ago, when Clin was first created, the people believed that perhaps the Island would far better if Clin was ruled by a Monarchy. And so it was formed. Many people stepped up to take on the daunting task of running a country. Some were men, others women. But most of them were crazy, and unfit for running a country. Others were just power hungry. Some wanted to make a dictatorship, which the people absolutely rejected.

"But of course, we found our first king. He was an amazing man, probably the best king we have ever had, if I should be honest. As you might know, our first king was King Davalac, and some might say that there was something..." She paused, searching for the right word,"mystical or magical about him. He was an amazing ruler, but people found him quite odd, and he presented a prophecy in which I will tell you now.

"The King prophesied that in the future, a special child would be born. But not just any child, oh no, this child would be born with the power to kill anyone with a simple wink. Using this ability, the child would have to kill everyone on the island, including the king. If he or she failed, Clin would fall into shambles, leaving everyone in destruction.

"If this person was to succeed, however, Clin would arise a new, and this is very island would be saved. However, this story is all riffraff, you should not believe any single detail from it. This will never happen, has never happened and if it ever does, the townspeople will still retaliate. No one wants to lose their lives, even if it means that it will bring total destruction if their lives are not lost."

Ales' eyes seemed lost in thought as she started to chew on her baby fist. Clearly, she was taking the words to heart. She looked ready to loose her life if it meant it would save her town.

"Ales! I must warn you, people will take the words you say to heart! Try to keep quiet about the story, if anyone asks if you have heard it, you may say yes but do not recite your feelings on the story. Some people believe that it is real, but it is not. Only a fool would believe such a piece of trash! This story was never and it never will be true."

The baby's tiny head moved up and down as she thought of the words her mother had just spoken. They baby's eyes were still clouded in thought, and it seemed as though even if these words would reside in her heart, she was only half listening

"Goodnight, Ales," Brittaly said softly, placing the baby back in the crib and covering her in a tiny blanket.

She kissed the top of the baby's head, then turned off the lights. She knew Ales would never forget the story for as long as she lived. Brittaly let a tiny smile peak on her face before she turned and walked away.


Yoo-hoo! MT is back in the house! So, just setting things up this week. I figure that I would post today because sometimes we just need to kick start the week with a good story. I am going to dedicate this chapter to NessyGirl02 for being a good friend(even if she expects things in return)! Thank you for helping me through Nanowrimo!

By the way, Nanowrimo just ended. It's a month long writing period and I really suggest that you all sign up! Nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month. If you want to spend a month writing 50,000 words(it's totally awesome) then sign up! Just a suggestion for aspiring authors.

I will see you guys next week(possibly Monday)! Do you see that poor little star? Do you think that you can click on it and make it fill with joy? Thanks!


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