Chapter 2

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MT Claus is back in the house. MT Claus?! Yep! And you know what time of year it is. The most wonderful time of the year. Ready?


And all of the other holidays like Kwanza and Hanukah. You should comment and tell me what holiday you celebrate. I'm interested. And I love chatting and connecting with you.

Just a coincidence that Ales is starting school, huh? Well, I won't keep you any longer. You're getting restless I can tell here's your chapter before you kill me!


Here. We. Go. The first day of school is probably the worst day of all days. Except, maybe test days. Especially, on state exams. All the teachers do is talk about themselves and classroom rules. Kids might say how exciting the first day of school is. I can only see that in a way that I don't get homework. Not that I do it anyways. Unless Mom forces me to.

The bell is about to ring. I'm always tardy. But today, I'm going to enter with a bang. I look down at my watch,
which I set to beep right at the bells. Fifty seconds. I can see the teacher smiling and welcoming the class. Forty. The kids are finding their assigned seats. Thirty. Someone is going to lose their seat today. Twenty. I know where I want to sit. Ten. Intro at the ready. Nine. I grit my teeth. Eight. Deep breaths. Seven. I wait anxiously for the clock to tick faster. Six. Double checking my rig. Five. I bit my lip. Four. Am I ready?

Three. Two. One.

I leap into the class room, firing off my insane amount of party poppers. The classroom is filled with confetti and tiny streams of smoke puff out of my firing contraption. In all the commotion, I steal the seat I want, and move the kids stuff from my seat. Perfection!

The kids were sprinting around the classroom. Mass chaos. Some of the kids were screaming. The guys were picking up the confetti and chasing the girls, getting the small bits of paper stuck in their hair. The teacher looked helpless as she tried to calm us down. She used me as here perfect shining star example. Big mistake. Big and bad mistake.

"Look at Ms..." She looked at me.

"Ales," I said with a 'look at me! I'm innocent!' smile. She'll remember that name for the rest of her life.

"Ales. She is sitting in her seat all nice and quiet. Ales, would you like to get something from the treasure box?"

Now there was something. I was never allowed to pick from the treasure box because of all the trouble I made. She must have seen my eyes glowing, for she grabbed the box and brought it to my seat. Kids were still running around, throwing confetti on one another.

I dug through the box, holding every little thing in there. I never wanted this to end. I was never, I mean NEVER allowed to pick from the treasure box. I was always too misbehaved to get something. Quite honestly, I didn't know what I wanted, but I had a check list in mind.

I found sticky hands, spinning tops, slap bracelets, piggy banks, books, and so much more.

But what really caught my eye was a book and a toy down at the bottom of the box. I found Fabulous Pranks for Experts, and a toy that makes sparks with friction. Making sure the teacher wasn't watching, I grabbed all the things I thought would help me out in the troublemaker world. I stashed my items in a bag I used for portable pranks and stuff.

The teacher was trying to stop kids from throwing confetti. Then, she turned her attention to a crying girl who had confetti stuck in her hair.

"Listen up, everybody!" The teacher yelled.

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