Chapter 26

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"As you might have already figured out, the chosen is unable to kill themselves. Winking is not for killing themselves. That's why they don't have kill themselves to fulfill the prophecy.

"Of course, unnatural and natural deaths happen all the time. Dalavac wasn't stupid enough to over look this. So, of course, he mentioned that. There will still be burglars and murderers int the world. They will kill people. But you yourself may not kill anyone without winking. It's impossible for you to anyways. Even if you shoot someone through the heart, they will still live.

"Your helpers are good. Everyone needs a helper. But, as you have figured out, helpers are not 'immune' to your winking. They will still die. Of course, they also do not receive your winking power. They cannot wink at anyone for you.

"I know that killing people is hard. I never promote killing. Heck, I'm not even telling you to go and kill the world. Or maybe I am. But it sounds wrong. And I know, hurting the ones that you love most is the most difficult. Hurting anyone can be difficult. But you have to.

"The reason that I got sick, the ports shutting down, loss of connection to other countries and islands? Because you denied what you had to do. This island has been crumbling for a long while. Pretty much since after you killed Uhri. It when you know that you are the one, but deny it. The crumbling of Clin has grown ever since you killed Mr. Jones. It's because you really knew and then you tried to run away.

"You can never run from this. Even if you left Clin, it would still crumble and die. Clin will die no matter what. But if you do manage to kill Clin, we will arise anew. Clin will be Clin once more."

I nodded, soaking in his words at full. Can't run. Can't kill without winking. Can't do this! Can't do that! Yikes!

"What does it mean by 'Clin will arise anew'?" I asked.

"That is one of the things that I don't know. Dalavac said that Clin would come back, but that's it. I don't know if we'll all be here or if Clin will have new hosts. I don't know anything beyond that Clin will come back."

"That's strange," I said.

"Indeed," Dalavac agreed.

We sat like that in silence for a while, basking in the words that we had said. It was quite weird. I had just confessed to a man that I really didn't know that well every single part of my life as the chosen. It was kind of like me crushing an almost total stranger. And now I had proclaimed my love for him in a dungeon. With a wall between us. Some crazy presentation, huh?

I don't know what that means. If I love Jayden. If we are dating. I didn't know. I probably would never know. I defiantly knew that I hated sappy stuff. I wouldn't be like "Jayden! My love! It had been 5 minutes since I last saw you! Let's meet by our tree! I want to hug you and kiss you and tell you that I love you every second!". No. I wasn't going to live a Romeo and Juliet life. Too disgusting.

I would probably continue on more like what I did with him now. Just friends. The occasional I love you, but only when we were saying goodbye. A hug every once and a while. Possibly have more physical contact than what we did now.

Seriously. It was like, in school, if you were even caught talking with a boy or even walking out of a class together, you were grouped as boyfriend and girlfriend. I couldn't stand for that. So when people grouped me with a boy, they learned there lesson.

Oh wow. I was sitting here, contemplating the Kings words and now I was totally off track. How do you get from Dalavac's Prophecy to Dating? Only someone like me could do that.

But now that I was back on track, I let King Struja's words melt in my mind. I pushed aside my thoughts of Jayden and dating. Oh god! Not that!

So, I couldn't kill anyone, even if it was something that was lethal. Ok. Good to know. It's not like I would want to kill someone. Even without knowing that I was the chosen one. Besides, I had a whole bunch of wink murdering to do. Wink murdering? Oh god! Was I a wink murderer? Oh god!

I couldn't kill myself. I knew that. I had already tried. I had stared at my sorrowful reflection and winked. I guess that that doesn't work. Duh.

Of course, my friends couldn't wink. That was a no brainer. But it still made me sad to think that I could still kill them. It reminded me of Felecia. No. Don't think about her. I sniffed away the tears.

"Are you ready to go back?" King Struja asked.

"Back to the dungeon?"

"No. I have other plans. We can discuss those with your friends. I'm keeping you in a place where I had the cameras removed. I'll take you, don't worry."

I paused, the nerves coming back. I didn't want to leave the safety of he throne room.

"All right," I agreed.

The king nodded. He stood and beckoned me to his side. I walked to his side, nerves jumping like I had just taken a shot of strait caffeine. Not saying that I would do that. I hate soda. And I don't drink coffee.

The king replaced his sunglasses. I suppose that that was for safety. What the place kept on insisting. All the ruff handling. The sunglasses. Deep. Sigh.

We walked out the doors, no soldiers standing in the room. I guess that he was serious about the no snooping. When we walked through the actual doors that lead us back to the busy halls of the palace, two guards were there to open the doors.  They let out a huge breath when they saw the king walk out, head high, authority in place. I guess that they were worried that I was going to kill him. Proved ya wrong, suckers!

He led me through the long and elaborate halls. My god! Is everything in this palace full of twists and turns? Talk about crazy! How do you memorize getting around this thing?! Well, I guess if you grew up in the palace, you would know. But I didn't grow up in the palace! So...

The king finally stopped in front of a door. It was smaller, but still a large arched door with a door ring. He turned to me and smiled.

"Brace yourself," he said.

Was he going to kill me?! Oh god!

But no. He wasn't going to kill me. When he swung open the doors, I let out a huge gasp. I couldn't believe that he would do this for anyone. But he did it for me.

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