Chapter 9

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                             being late had a lot of different reasons. Life is super busy and I have region next weekend and I have been running low on time. I remembered to post Friday but then I ran out of time. I figured I could post on Saturday but then I forgot. I knew Sunday would be way to late because Monday was the next day.

And now I almost ran out of time today. Isn't that lovely? But anyways...I am so sorry that I didn't post Friday. I might just end up only posting on Mondays, but that won't be for a little while. I'll let you know when that comes around.

Well, I'm keeping you from your chapter. I'm sorry. So sorry. I can here your anger. So pretend I am saying this really fast and in one breath: I'm sorry so sorry and without further a due here is your chapter!


When we had entered, the school was showered in confetti. Every door was opened. Confetti rained and rained again. A lot of the school had to call in the janitors to cut off the wonderful zip ties we had put on their lockers. Yes, you would be surprised about how many kids used a locker. We had more time to use them too, than I guess your average high school would allow.

Kids did a victory run to the top of the stairs and tore through the plastic wrap. Balloons showered down on top of the students, and everyone had to grab onto the stair railing to keep from being knocked over and blinded.

I had to go to architecture first period. Mom insisted that I took the class so I knew how to use basic power tools when I left the warmth and comfort of our home and took a bold step into the world.

Of course, we were going over class information and every detail of the teacher's life. Not as bad as elementary, but still.

I looked up at the class, having not forgotten our final prank. Twenty minutes. I pulled out my phone, which the teacher didn't care if we used them, and hacked into security. I pulled up our faulty feed and sent it to the central office. That should be enough.

I checked the clock again. Seventeen minutes. It was time to do this. This time, I texted Felicia and Mina, telling them that it was time. I got returning texts of affirmation, saying things like Let's do this!

I then grabbed my bag of rope, which was actually my purse filled with rope, and walked up to the teachers desk.

"Ms. Mendoly?" I asked.

Ms. Mendoly was my teacher's name.

"Yes, Ms. Curtafin?"

"May I please go to the bathroom? It's an emergency."

"Yes, go on. Be careful, though. I'm worried that you might get hurt from the older boys playing pranks."

"Do you think that they are the ones who pulled this prank?"

"Whole-heartedly," she responded.

I nodded. Then, I took my leave. I slipped into the hallway and met Mina and Felicia in our meeting spot.

"Got your ropes?" I asked excitedly.

"You know I do!" Mina said.

Mina was always cheerful and enthusiastic. She usually was the first to answer.

"Ditto!" Felicia said.

"You got it, Fleece," I said with a chuckle.

Felicia gave me a hard slap.

"Don't call me Fleece!"

"Ok, Fleece," I grinned.

She slapped me again as we all burst into laughter.

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