Chapter 30

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Hey guys. So...can I just say something really quick before I start. Chapter 30!!! I'm so excited! I never thought that I would get here! I just want to say thank you. Thank you for reading this. Now then. Please enjoy.


When I emerged from the closet, I was dressed in the comfiest clothing I had ever worn. Like, legit, it was comfier then my pjs. Kinda makes me excited for bedtime. How soft will everything be?

Danica had helped me out. A lot. Spat rentals, she even had access to the bathroom. There was a special thing that you slid your head into. It dried your hair and then styled it. Today, my hair was up in a high ponytail, like it usually was. It was my favorite style.

Danica had selected soft gray sweatpants, and they HAD POCKETS!!!!! A lot of soft pants didn't have pockets. I was pretty ecstatic. I had a light green shirt and a gray jacket that was left unzipped. I had black boots that were comfy but I could run, jump, and move in them.

"These clothes really suit you," Danica said as I walked towards the nightstand, which also had a hologram node in it.

"Why wouldn't it? You laser scanned me," I said.

"Not that silly," she giggled. "I mean the colors. I figured that green would be a good color. And gray too. It brings out the gray flecks in your eyes."

I blushed.

"Thank you Danica."

"Your welcome. Now then, I have one more thing that you need to put on. Come back to the closet."

I turn back around, heading back into the closet. Danica popped up on the node and turned on the lights. She pushed some buttons that appeared on the node and a small circle from the table rose up. Inside the tube, there was a watch. It looked like a smart watch, it probably was.

"This is a smart watch. Designed specifically for you. You do not need your phone although you can pair it and transfer your data. When the lazed scan took place, it created a hologram of you. Your hologram can be used in the hologram app. I can appear there, as well as other people and when you call your friends their scanned in hologram will pop up. It just shows you and what you are doing. Your hologram is not another person like me, just an image that will show your what you are doing."

I was speechless.

"Wow," I breathed. "Thanks Danica."

"Your welcome. You should put it on," she said, gesturing to the watch.

I nodded and took it out of the case. It fit my wrist perfectly and it didn't irritate me like some watches. It was a very useful tool.

"Would you like to head over to the chairs and table by the fireplace?" She asked.


I walked across the large expansion of my room to the chairs. Another table was there. It too had a hologram node. Danica popped up on it.

"Beat ya!" She cheered.

I laughed.

"That's not fair! You can just teleport between them! I have to walk!"

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