Chapter 4

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Sorry about the late updates. School has been busy and stuff, so...yea. Enjoy!


I walk swiftly down the hall, keeping my head buried in my chest. I hugged my lunch kit tight to me. Recess sounded appealing, I really needed some fresh air.

And for once...I don't feel like pranking.

The younger kids pass by. Well...I couldn't go a day without pranks. So...oh so casually, I stuck out my foot. A kid fell over, which sent a barrel of kids tripping over him. I let a quick smile show before I rushed on.

I needed to prank more. Oh I have some really good ones.

I travel down to the cafeteria. My "friends" aren't there yet. I say "friends" because even though they are my friends, I prank them too much I don't think they like me. But whatever. I reach inside my lunch bag and whip out some glue. I ducked under the table  and smeared glue all over the seat across from me. Then, by the seat next to me, I place some oil. Oh, I can't wait for the laughs to roll in.

I dig into my bag and pull out my sandwich. I started biting into it, enjoying the special bread, strawberries, and Nutella. It almost tasted like a French pastry. Delicious! Dang. Now I wish that I knew how to say delicious in French.

Eventually, my victims took a seat. At first, they didn't notice anything. Then, the both cried out.

"Ales!" They cried.

"What? Dude, I don't think the janitors been by here at all," I responded.

"It was you, Ales," Mina said.

"No way man!" I cried, making a show.

"You can't say no! You would be the only person to do it!" Felecia exclaimed.

"You know how messy the kids before us are! They are absolutely disgusting!"

Mina and Felecia thought about this.

"True," they sighed.

I nodded. See? I told you I could be very persuasive!

"So, what about this winking thing?" I asked, breaking the thought-filled silence.

"It's weird, right? I mean, they take winking so seriously!" Felecia exclaimed.

"I know, right?" Mina said.

"Yea, they take that story way to seriously. And what's with the whole, "your now in fourth grade. You are old enough to learn how to wink."" I say, changing my voice to a deep male voice.

We howl in laughter.

""Yea man, it's like blinking, but only with one eye,"" Felecia said, changing her voice as well.

Laughter spilled out like the bright sunshine on a sunny day.

""Never wink while directly staring into someone's eyes. If your actually the chosen boy or girl, you could kill someone!"" Mina laughed, her voice the deepest of all.

Tears. Lots of tears from laughing. I needed some pills. My stomach hurt way to much.

"But what do you guys think about the "prophecy"?" I asked, lowering my voice and dropping my voice to sound like a guy again on the word "prophecy".

We started to laugh, but then, the laughter diminished as we thought deeply of the question.

"I don't know man," Mina started, "it seems serious, but at the same time, super ridiculous. It's not that I don't like King Dalavac, it just seems that his "prophecy" thing or whatever sounds completely stupid."

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