Chapter 16

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This was it. Today was the day. Havoc was coming. My worst nightmare is coming to life. The whole plan was set. Unfortunately, we have to keep camp here. But, we are going to get this thing over with. Mina and I were dressed as ordinary civilians. Now was the time.

We walked back the way that we went to the pub. By the prank shop, we passed a person.

"Excuse me," I said.

"Yes?" The person asked.

"Do you know where the-" I stopped mid sentence and winked.

I let out a shriek and caught the persons fall. Two more people ran over to help me.

"What's going on?" One asked.

"I don't know but I think that this man just fainted."

I gave two more winks and they both fell over dead.

"Help!" I cried.

Another person ran over.

"What is-"

Dead. Another two ran over.

"Miss, I can call an ambulance," one offered.

"Yes please. I think the sun is just very bright and hot today."

"I agree," another man said. "It's so hot that I feel like I'm going to-"

He was dead too.

"Oh dear!" The woman said. "A very hot sun it is!"

She gave 911 a quick call, then told me that they were on the way.

"Would you like me to wait with you girls?" She asked.

"If you would be so kind," Mina managed to squeak.

"I know things like this are very traumatizing," the woman began

Mina gave a teeny nod.

"But it's ok. The ambulances will get here and get them back to health."

Mina gave another nod. But we knew better. They weren't going to be ok. They were dead.

Soon, the ambulances arrived. The men hopped out of the cars and came over to help. They started with some CRP, and then gave them some water.

"They must be out."

"Yes," the woman said with an exhausted sigh.

She looked at me and I winked. She was dead. None of the men had seen me do it.

"Some heat," one of the men murmured. "I'll send out a public safety alert about this heat. It's killing me."

"No pulse," another said.

We both gasped. The other man announced that the warning had been sent out. The time was now. I set about secretly winking at each and every one of the men until all of them were dead.

I know that Mina was traumatized. Her face was ghostly white and her eyes were pale.

"I hate doing this too, Mina. But we have to. Clin is falling into the void."

She nods, although no color returns to her cheeks.

"Come on," I said.

We both stood up, and walked around the corner. A few people dotted the streets.

"Go get 'em," Mina whispered, trembling.

I nodded, brushing my hand against hers for reassurance.

"Hello, good sir! Me and my sister were wondering-"

Wink. Death.

"Sister?" Mina asked.

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