Chapter 15

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This has been, like, the worst camping trip ever. A few weeks have passed and here we are, in the middle of a forest(well, ok, technically on the outskirts) and conditions are horrible. It's awfully muggy out here.

Mina hasn't been talking very much. After the death of Felecia, she's been avoiding eye contact, afraid that I'll kill her too. She doesn't talk much. I've ended up having to take the reigns.

She's been staying up late. She'll sit on the rock outside the tent, waiting for Felicia to come back. I hear her crying. I want to comfort her. But I know that if I do, she'll bite my head off. She'll scream how I was the one who killed her. I can't handle that. I still don't believe that I am the chosen one.

We eat lunch and dinner at the small pub, always in silence. I'll watch the news sometimes. I don't know why. Maybe I'm waiting for them to make a report about 3 missing children and 3 freaking out moms. But I don't see that.

At first, the news was just like normal. But strange things have been happening. We've lost connection to multiple islands, food prices are sky rocketing, ships are sinking, debt is climbing, and King Struja has fallen ill with a potentially deadly disease. The island and its people is slowly starting to crumble.

Now that I sit here thinking about this in the tent under blankets, I find something striking. When King Dalavac announced his prophecy, he said that if the chosen doesn't succeed, then the island would start to crumble. It would be the end of the world.

Well, here I am, neglecting the fact that I could possibly be the chosen and watching as our wonderful island starts failing right in front of our eyes. Perhaps this is just a cycle and it has happened before. But that is unlikely. I didn't want to believe it, but I had to do something.

Mina was gone to the store, buying more food and hopefully, something to better our stay in this horrid tent. Since she was gone, had time to formulate a plan. Of course, this wasn't going to be a pretty plan, obviously, because I have to kill the entire island. Why or how that works, I have no idea.

My stomach started growling. It was probably close to lunchtime. Mina still wasn't back. I wonder what was taking her so long. Maybe she did get something to make our stay better!

Luckily, I had plenty of time to rest. I really needed it since I had to kill an entire population of people. Seems ridiculous? Ask King Dalavac. Yikes.

Ya know, King Dalavac is dead. But...maybe King Struja would know. I know that when you become king(or queen if we ever have one) you have to promise to keep true to what the king said. You must always believe in the prophecy, and you must keep its secrets. The public only knows a little about the prophecy. Even what is written down isn't as specific as what King Dalavac really said.

The king learns all of these secrets and keeps them safe and sound with him. I almost figured that I should talk to the king and learn the secrets he holds.

But, if I did that, my cover would be blown. I couldn't risk it. Just like it said that I could have no assistance, yet I have, or had, two fine friends helping me survive. Now I only had one.

Don't think about that, I told myself, feeling the tears stinging my eyes. Felecia is watching down on you. She believes in you. She knows that you are going to succeed.

If I even do this.

I thought about all the people who believed in the prophecy and those who didn't. Even those who did believe would probably fight back. Who wants to loose their life? Especially to a little sophomore like me?

It didn't matter whether or not they believed. If they did, like the woman back by the docks, then it would be easier. What sick nonsense am I saying? I'm just sitting here, talking about whether or not it will be easier to kill someone! I'm not that cruel. I'm not a cold hearted person. I don't want to do this.

All of a sudden, the tent flap rustled and Mina walked in. She had a sorrowful face and lots of bags. Of course, though, she avoided eye contact.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"King Struja as just been admitted to critical care. He's not doing well at all."

"Oh no! Is there any good news left in this world?"

"Well, this lady saw me attempting to find Felecia's cash that I had stowed in my pocket and payed for the groceries. Then, she gave me about two hundred geld!"

"Wow! That's amazing! We could buy a LOT with that kind of money!"

"Yea," Mina sighed, setting the stuff down. She still didn't look at me. "You hungry?"


"Let's go!"


Felecia's phrase. She used Felecia's phrase. I miss her so much.

We laughed as we left the tent. Mina still didn't make eye contact.

We scrambled down to the pub, taking the usual route. My stomach made a few super loud grumbles, which always sent us into fits of laughed. She still didn't look at me. It was starting to make me worry a little bit. I wanted to have good human interaction, not just a "oh, your here," interaction.

We reached the pub and then sat down at the usual table. I ordered the usual. So did Mina. Once the waitress left, I leaned in close to Mina and begged her to listen. She leaned in close too, but still didn't make eye contact.

"Mina, why don't you ever make eye contact with me anymore?" I asked.

"You know why," she mumbled.

"I'm not going to kill you. I didn't kill Felecia on purpose, and you know that!"

"Well, sure, you say that it was an accident."

"It was! I would never-"

"Yes, but what if you have a little 'accident' with me as well? You could have a piece of dust fly into you eye and then you rub it while I'm trying to inspect your eye when BAM! I'm dead!"

"You know I won't do that. There is a lot that I don't know. And I know that it is a touchy subject and all, but look at what is happening go the island! We are falling a part! I don't want to believe it, but I think I am the chosen one. I have a plan, and I think that it is time."

"We just talked about the death of our closest friend and now you are suggesting that we now go out and kill the island?!"

"I know, I know. But we can't just sit here."

"That's insensitive."

"I know. But can you please just give me eye contact?"




"Mina! When I talk to you, I just feel like I'm talking to myself.I want to look at those beautiful green eyes. I want to talk to you like a normal human being."

Mina was quiet. Then finally, she let out a sigh and raised those bright green eyes to meet mine. I gave her a smile.

"I love you so much, you don't even know."

She smiled.

"I love you too."

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