Chapter 11

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So...I haven't posted in a while. I'm also sick. Here is your chapter before I cough again for like...four hours.


We spent the long train ride in silence. I didn't feel like speaking, and I didn't want to interrupt the others thoughts.

I kept my phone on vibrate, although it never buzzed. It was probably 11:00 or 12:00, so no one would be awake to call me.

Luckily, we got one of the trains with no one in it and no conductor. This train ride was not usually to very popular, and it was even less popular since it was the first day of school.

I sprawled out on a bench, suddenly feeling super tired after my adrenaline rush. Closing my eyes, I attempted to fall asleep. But of course, my pesky mind kept getting in the way.

I was starting to miss home and have second thoughts. But I pushed down the worries by telling myself that it was the right thing to do. It really was. Clin wouldn't be killed by a sophomore and I didn't have to kill anyone.

Sounds good to me.

I scolded my mind, then grabbed a blanked from my bag and curled up into a tight ball. I was falling asleep, brain with me or not. I let myself drift off to dreamland and then to a dreamless sleep.

Farewell worries. Farewell cares. Farewell.


My eyes flashed open as the train jolted to a stop and flung me from the cushioned bench. I slammed into the other wall, causing me to grimace.

Felicia and Mina had done the smart thing and curled up around a pole, so they just were smushed into the pole.

I rubbed my head as I sat up.

"Now arrived, Fin Town," the train announced.

I grabbed my backpack and helped the girls to their feet as the doors opened. The silent night met us as we stepped outside. It felt like the entire town was asleep. I checked my phone for the time.

1:00. That had been a three hour train ride. We had spent all of it silent. Most of it sleeping.

The train whisked away to the near by train yard, where it would re-energize and prepare for it's next day of hauling people around.

We were left in a cool breeze, which felt nice after having to sleep on a warm train. Why I pulled out my blanket, I had no idea. Maybe because it reminded me of my nice warm bed waiting for me at home.

Wait. Waiting? I wasn't going back. I was here. I was leaving. I am leaving everything behind. It's a new life. A new world. A new bed.

"We need some place to stay. The first ferry comes at 8:00," Mina said, having clearly done her research.

"Hotel?" Felecia asked, maybe a little bit to eager.

"I don't know. We probably can't even afford that," Mina replied.

I nodded. Luckily, I had brought my camping backpack.

"I have a tent and some blankets. Lets find some place to settle down, then set and alarm on our phones for seven," I said.

"6:30," Mina said.

"6:30?" Felecia whined, clearly wanting her sleep.

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