Chapter 7

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School. Probably the worst thing invented on the planet. If you are a student, then you know what I mean. ESPECIALLY if you are in high school. Some say that high school is the best years of their life. But I don't think so.

It's been years since I thought about the wink myth. After the death of Uhri, the boys decided to be cautious and we never played their game again. Even if it was fun.

No other incidents have happened. I've dismissed Uhri's death as a coincidence. After all, I don't believe in the stupid myth anymore. I was so insecure when I was little.

I've already been through one year of high school. I'm no longer a newbie. I know now that school sucks even worse in high school then anything else. So much homework.

When we first came to high school as insecure freshman's, we were so worried about winking and curse words.

As I said, we were such LITTLE kids.

But now I have some curse words in my vocabulary. NOW my life is SO much more interesting. Not like I plague people with them. Especially my mom.

"Ales! Are you done?" Mom yelled from below.

"Ugh! COMING!" I yelled back.

Gotta finish my mascara. I'm not much of a makeup fan. But I've realized how bland I've looked without it. So I use that.

One thing you should know is that I'm NOT a morning person. That stuff doesn't work for me. I could stay up 'til two in the morning partying or reading but even if I sleep in, I cannot, I repeat CANNOT function in the morning.

I drag my body downstairs, exhausted. Why world? Why create school?

Educational purposes. How stupid. Did I mention that I hate school? But I have been able to make school fun.

Do I still prank people? Hell yes!

Have you heard of senior pranks? Well, I don't believe in the senior part. I do them a lot. And I had some more planned for today.

You might be wondering, what became of Mina and Felecia? Well, I've made them better. They are now my partners in crime. They help me carry out my pranks. Talk about AWESOME!

Oh man. That is a little kid word. Well, for lack of a better word, I'm using it.

Mom has prepped a delicious meal for my first day back. Chocolate waffles, bacon, scrambled eggs, and a glass of milk. Talk about a BUFFET! Did I mention that I eat a LOT?! Well, if you didn't know, I do.

You see the large piles of stuff that Mom had made. She really out did herself. Large stacks of waffles, scrambled eggs piled on plates, bacon overflowing the bowl. Delicious. Now blink. Where did all the food go? It disappeared right from under your nose. One second it's there; the next-poof! Gone.

Where did it go? Why, into my belly of course! Scrumptious. All those strenuous hours of work gone in a blink. But, the outcome is good. What is the outcome, you say?

One happy teenager.

Obviously, of course, I don't eat THAT fast.

Just kidding, I do.

Now I had more time to work on prepping for the first day of school.

Felecia, Mina, and I had already prepped most of the pranks. Last night, at midnight, we pick-locket-ed our way into the school. We have some BIG surprises coming for the students. Hours had been spent working on this masterpiece of work. What is MY masterpiece? Oh you just wait and see!

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