Chapter 14

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The words that we say mean something. Each syllable holds a special magic. A phrase could make someones day. Or it could totally trash it.

When King Dalavac stated his stupid prophecy, it had a special magic to it. People listened. People believed. And it came true.

Some say that he was the greatest King this island has ever seen. Others say that he was a stupid idiot and delusional. I used to think that he was a great king. But now I'm with the nay sayers.

When I attempted to kill myself and wink, I didn't die. Nothing happened. I didn't suddenly freeze, I didn't die, nothing bad happened to me! All I wanted was to end this stupid prophecy, to save this world. But nothing happened. I'm pissed.

Mina and Felecia caught up to me and sat down next to me as tears ran down my face. I was making chocking walrus noises, taking in big gulps of air, as I cried. This was no pretty cry. This one would make boys scream and run. UGH! Boys AGAIN?! No!

"Calm down, it't going to be ok," Mina soothed.

"NO IT'S NOT!" I screamed.

"Relájese!" Felecia said.

I guess she was trying to calm me down, but it doesn't help if I have no idea what she is saying.

"JUST kill me!" I scream sobbed.

Mina and Felecia exchanged worried looks.

"I can't do this. I won't do this. DON'T MAKE ME!" I screamed.

"Relájese!" Felecia exlcaimed again.

"What the hell are you saying?" Mina asked.

"I already told you, I can say any language in the world, I just don't know what it means," she sighed.

My body was shaking as I shrugged off the camping backpack. I curled into a ball and let more tears stream down.I couldn't, I wouldn't, I shouldn't. I never would.

"I don't kill," I panted.

"You don't have a choice," Mina said. "I thought that we were just running away, but after seeing you do that, it put a whole new meaning. I didn't think that you were serious!"

"You didn't believe me?!" I wailed.

"Well..." Felecia started.

"You come home from the first day of school. You find out that your principal is dead and you friend is claiming to have killed him with a wink. She believes whole-heartedly that she is the chosen one, prophesized by the first king. She then wants to run away and expects her friends to believe her. Is there NOTHING wrong with that?" Mina cried.

I sobbed some more, feeling a fresh new wave of tears coming.

"I'm sorry guys for dragging you both into this. Asking you to run away? Abandon your parents? For a girl who is stupid enough to believe in a stupid prophecy? I never should have. I never wanted to. I just didn't want to be alone. I thought if I could take some part of home with me, it wouldn't hurt so bad."

"It's ok," Mina said.

"We all slip up sometimes. We each find ourselves locked up with emotion that we often forget to see the world through both eyes. When disaster strikes, we never see the light. Sometimes, it's ok to let go," Felecia said.

Her words were touching. I would have never expected her to say something that beautiful. I nodded, a smile on my face. Then, like a mother, she cupped my face in her hands. I looked her in the eye and she the same.

I rubbed my right eye, attempting to get rid of what ever tears were left. Then I sat down and curled into a ball, feeling peaceful. Felecia, still with a smile on her face, fell over.

Mina and I both gasped. Then we started laughing. Felicia didn't move.

"Oh, Felecia, stop!" Mina laughed, slapping her.

Felecia still didn't move.

"Wakey wakey, lemon shakey," I said.

"Lemon shakey?" Mina asked with a laugh.

"Yea! I don't know the actual words and besides, those are too mainstream."

We both started to laugh. Felecia still didn't move.

"Ok, Felecia. We get it," Mina said, slapping her again.

Felecia still didn't move.

Freaked out, we rushed to her side. I felt for a pulse while Mina looked for any signs of breathing.

"No pulse!" I screamed.

"No breathing!" Mina screamed.

We both started screaming.

"You winked at her?!" Mina yelled.

"NO! I didn't! I just rubbed my eye and-OH MY GOD!" I exploded.

"You killed her!"






Then we both collapsed, crying.

"Just kill me now," Mina whispered.

"No. I would never kill a friend. I need someone. I need you. Please. Promise me that you'll never leave me. I need someone. I need you," I whispered.

"You killed her. I can't believe you killed her," Mina whispered, as if she still didn't believe it.

"Promise me," I urged.

Mina let out a sigh as more tears ran down her face.


"Ok. I promise," she said.

"Thank you," I whispered, never feeling happier.

I walked to her side and then collapsed, giving her a full on embrace. And we sat there like that for a long time, just comforting each other. Just letting one another know that we were there for each other.

"Well," Mina sighed, "it's official. you have to do this."

"No," I said.

"You must. Don't let Felecia die in vain. You're the only person who can do this. I can't do this. The king can't do this. No one can do this except for you."

"I can't," I said. "I would never be able to live with myself."

"You don't have a choice," Mina said.

I sighed, settling down on a nearby rock.

"We need to rest," I say.

"Come on, then," Mina responded.

We unloaded the tent and pulled out the pillows and blankets. Settling into bed, we gave each other a quick 'good night'. Then I gave a quick laugh and told her that it was 'good day'. Then I wished her sweet dreams, and curled up into a ball.

I closed my eyes and welcomed peaceful sleep. No more prophecy. Just warmth and coziness. It was safe. Farewell.

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