Chapter 21

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"I made a check list so we know what we need to bring," Mina said, tapping a pen to a note pad.

"I just looked up the weather, Mina. It looks like it's going to rain tomorrow," I said.

"Ok. Thank you for that report. I have some more stuff to add to our list. I'll tell you when we're good."

"Do we need anything else from the Target? Once we have everything checked off, then we can go as a group and then head off," Jayden said.

"Currently, we are ok. But we will start checking off once I'm sure that we have everything we need on this list."

As you can tell, we are now all work and no play. We had to be serious in order to leave. Killing people was a serious business. And I hated it. I don't like to kill people.

"Ok! I have the list! We need:
Umbrella, hats if possible
Transportation cover, for rain
First Aid
Sickness Kit
Hygiene Kit, which is toothbrush, hair brush, etc.
Tool Kit
Fake ID's
Jayden, your hacking stuff
Activities, for if we need
Weapons for self protection
And what ever else you want or need to bring."

"Wow," I said. "That's a long list."

"Yep. It's a long trip. It's almost like moving."

"We ARE moving," Jayden pointed out.

"True, so lets finish packing up. We'll make another run to Target, and then we're off," Mina said.

"Maybe we should upgrade our sizes so we have the same size as Jayden. We're going to need all the storage we can get," I said.

"Let's just pack up and we'll we what we need."

We hustled around, grabbing and checking off. I grabbed our bag of geld, which had way over §2,000, and put it in my trailer.

"I know what we forgot! Locks for our trailers!" I cried.

"Right," Mina said, putting that down on the pad.

She started making a shopping list, so we could be very efficient. I was happy that we had high powered motor bikes, or else we either a) wouldn't move or b) wouldn't be able to travel the distance we needed. These puppies were made for carrying heavy loads and trailers, they just needed the hardware for it.

"Let's get a back up battery for each bike. I can get it in the bike so that way we can go twice the distance," Jayden said.

"Perfect," Mina said, writing that down.

"I think that's it! Let's roll!" I said. "And let's get those larger trailers for us. I can barely fit everything in there!" I cried.

"If we can find a larger trailer for me as well, then that would be great. I have a lot of hardware that I need to fit in my trailer. I don't think that it's all going to fit," Jayden said.

"Here. Put it in mine for now. We'll go get bigger trailers, plus the stuff on my list. If we can gather more geld, then that would be perfect," Mina said. "Although I have noticed that I am running out of room as well."

Finally ready to go, we pushed our bikes to the Target. We gathered all the stuff that we needed and let Jayden fiddle around with the bikes. Then, we repacked and tested out the bikes with our loads.

"Mine is running great!" I said.

"Same here," Mina said.

"Yep," Jayden exclaimed.

So this was it. We were off.

"Well. Here go's nothing," I said.

"And away we go!" Jayden cried, turning on his bike.

We took off. The bikes were running smoothly. We had left on the peddles, in case if they did run out of juice, which Jayden said was highly unlikely. We had found special bike roofs to put on, as well as wind shields. These bikes almost looked like motorcycles. They had thicker tires, but were light and durable, making it easy to peddle.

I sped along, traveling fast. The end on Fin Town was coming near. I knew that we would have to travel for a little bit. I had wiped out many towns already.

It was always horrific when I killed someone. I remembered the first time I killed a person when Jayden was around, actually watching me do it for real instead of on a computer.

I had walked up to a man, who looked to be in his late 40's to early 50's. He gave us a weird look when we walked up to him. It was like a 'why the hell are three teenagers walking up to me' look.

He was probably one of the stupider people I had killed. I asked how he was doing and he said that he was doing ok. I asked him for directions to the nearest Chick-fil-a(I was hungry) and before he could answer, I killed him.

Jayden's face went pale white. He looked like we was going to throw up. Or run away. Or die right there on the spot. I looked at him with a 'you really want to do this?' look. He straightened up his posture and let the color return to his cheeks. "Awesome," he had said. Mina and I had just rolled our eyes and laughed.

Man. That had been funny. Well...everything but the killing. I hate killing people.

"What's the next town that we need to stop at?" I yelled to Mina.

"Milieu Town!" Mina yelled.

Oh crap. Milieu Town was where everything was. The police. The king. Everything.

"We are screwed!" Jayden yelled.

"Yep!" I yelled back.

I looked up at a road sign. Milieu Town in thirty miles. We were approaching the town fast. Disaster was going to strike. How was I supposed to kill so many people with out getting caught?

I needed a new plan. I started to formulate stuff in my head. I really could get killed.

Ok. So...maybe I save this town for later. No. I couldn't do that. That would give the police more time to find me.

I needed to avoid the police and the king while still getting the rest of the town. But how was I supposed to do that?


I just want to say thank you to everyone who has read this far. I really appreciate it. Now then, the rest of the chapters should be coming out shortly after because I want to participate in the Wattys! Thank you once again and have a good rest of your day!


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