Chapter 31

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Did I say that I hate doctor visits? Like all of them. My mom has spent ages trying to make me sit calm during them. She hasn't succeeded yet.

Inside was an all white room. The walls, the shimmering room, the chairs, everything. Some of the white tables had green plants and the walls held pictures, that offered pops of color. The room smelled strongly of lemon cleaning products.

No one was in the room. Danica pointed at the check in desk. A small pad was over there.

"That is a hand scanner," Danica said, spying me examining it.

"Oh," I stated simply.

I wandered over to it carefully. An eerie quiet settled over the room. Great. I already don't like the doctor. Why world? Just...why?

I placed my hand onto the pad and its started glowing I Yelp and jumped backwards, pointing at it.

"See? It's is trying to kill me!" I cry.

Danica doubles over in laughter.

"Geez, Ales. It's just scanning your hand!" She said with a smile.

I put my hand on the pad again and this time let it go through. It glowed green and told me to take a seat. I sat down and Danica popped up on one of the tables.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Wait. He'll be here soon," Danica responded.

A little while later, the doctor showed up. I squirmed in my seat uncomfortably.

"Ms. Ales?" He asked.

"That's me," I squeaked.

"Follow me, please."


"That was the worst trip in my life," I said as we left the office.

Danica laughed.

"Geez, Ales! It's only the doctor!"

"Exactly my point! I hate the doctor! Not to mention that it doesn't help when you show up to his room and a whole bunch of high-tech equipment is laying around the room! You would have thought that he was giving you surgery!" I cried.

"Oh, Ales! Will you take a chill pill?" Danica asked teasingly.

"Chill pill? Antibiotics? Prescribed by a doctor? No!" I yelled.

"Ales," Danica sighed. "I give up."

"Fine by me," I say.

"Now then, would you like a tour?"

"Sure," I shrugged.

Danica smiled and started walking towards a set of doors. I followed her.

"These are the royal families quarters. The guest quarters are on the other side of the stairs. The way that we just came from is the health wing. They have the best of the best working to keep everyone healthy."

I nod. Danica walks down the stairs. There is a big set of doors.

"Through there is the dining hall. Open the doors and I can give you a special tour of the kitchen."

I opened the doors and followed my nose to another door. The kitchen. When I swung open the doors, I saw a entire buffet being prepared for dinner.

"Welcome Danica!" One of the chefs called.

Danica blushed and walked towards her.

"Hello, Mage. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm doing well. I've missed you so."

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