Authors Note

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I just want to say thank you so much for reading this book. This book was a Nanowrimo project and now I am submitting it to the Wattys. If you wanted to know why 15 chapters came out at once, that is why.

I once again want to thank Canvas_7  and NessyGirl02  for slicking with me the whole time. They were my true support in writing this.

For other news, I do have a sequel planned. But it might be a while before it actually comes out. I also have just planned to rewrite this book in the hopes of one day publishing my first book to the world. But that is in the future.

I am also planning on opening up a new account with the final drafts of my finished stories on there.

Again, I just want to thank everyone for reading this. I hope that you enjoyed. I want to encourage you to write about what your passionate about. Consider doing Nanowrimo/Camp Nanowrimo and the Wattys. They are both super fun and a way to unleash your inner writer.

Have a fantastic day and thanks for reading!


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