Chapter 5

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Ok, so maybe I have gotten off my schedule of Mondays and Fridays. Just please don't kill me! I'll...I'll...I'll wink at you! But, you can't deny that I have gotten back on schedule. I am REALLY trying, but I have school and choir and track and swimming get the picture. But I wanted to present to you this chapter and apologize for missing a whole bunch of days. But that doesn't mean that you should stop reading! Please, just...I don't even know. I'm sorry for keeping you from your chapter, but before I go, I would just like to say one thing.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.


Uhri did not show up to school the next day. All the teachers were dressed up nicer than usual. All of them wore black. I noticed the female teachers wore black dresses. Apparently, the kids didn't get the memo.

Ms. Zusteller showed up to class with a solemn face.

"Students," she started, "please report to the cafeteria."

Confusion spread throughout the room like a disease. To be quite honest, I was infected too. I had no idea why we were going to the cafeteria. But alas, I wasn't going to argue. Clearly, today was NOT a day for pranking.

We all walked silently down the hall. The only noise made was from the shuffling of feet. Not even the teachers made a sound. This was clearly serious.

We all sat on the floor. There weren't enough seats in the cafeteria so everyone sat on the floor. The teachers sat on the cafeteria seats. They all stared up at the stage. Huh?

A man, who just so happened to be the principal, was standing there, looking very formal. He had a solemn expression on his face as well. He cleared his throat and the whispers faded away. We all stared up at him.

"Unfortunately, I have some very bad news. Just yesterday, we had a death of a student. His name was Uhri Demoni."

All of the fourth graders exchanged worried looks. We all knew that kid. He was the one I winked at. No one knew I had winked at him though.

"Yes, yes. It is quite unfortunate. We found him dead after school. No wounds though, so his cause of death was unknown. We just have gathered here today to mourn him. After this time, you will be dismissed to go home. The parents have already been contacted. The buses will arrive shortly."

I gasped in shock. No wounds? Right after school? But...what if it was during recess. All the teachers had work to do, so they never came outside. What if...

NO! It was just a stupid story that people took WAAAAY to seriously.

When my eyes flashed up, the boy who had arranged the game stared at me. He gave me a do you know? look.

I shook my head with a shrug of my shoulders, telling him I have no clue.

He gave me a small nod and moved his attention to another person. Apparently, I wasn't the only person he had asked.

But as the principal dragged on and on and ON about Uhri, I started getting more and more doubtful about my its just a stupid story rant.


I needed to stop.

So, I focused my attention on the principal. I tried to listen to his words. But eventually, his words got drowned out with my what ifing.

What if the story wasn't just a stupid story? What if I was the one who killed Uhri? What if I was the chosen one?


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