Chapter 35

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Danica's plan was quite destructive. But we went through with it. After killing the entire palace, which hurt me a little, we stole some of the fastest transportation and rode off to Fin Town.

To be honest, I didn't really miss the king. He had been annoying and his purpose was different once I got to know him. He just wanted me to do the task. If I did so, he would be the most important king of all time. It wasn't about me, it was him. And that was what annoyed me the most.

He was arrogant, and I had suspicions that he had ordered the officers to do what they had done, and then play the nice guy. The guy who would take us in and save him. Snarky, arrogant, snitchey, stupid, guy. But I didn't really care at this point. His plans were gone, just like him.

I could still remember the fear in his eyes. How we had killed the palace, then went for him. He had stuttered, thinking we had trusted him, and respected him. He thought that he wouldn't die since he was the king. How very wrong he was.

And after all that, I had a feeling that Danica didn't miss him either. He had pretty much done the same thing to her. Love her and get her trust, play as the nice guy, and then turn on her.

We got to Fin Town in minutes, and then sprinted across the land to find Jayden. What we saw changes us forever.


Jayden's P.O.V

I stared down at the lapping waves below me. I stood on the famous Fin Cliffs, ones known for their beauty. They stood about 100ft above the water, a deadly height.

After I had spent a while in my room, I had made the choice to end my life instead of forcing my true love to do it. I wouldn't be able to bear her doing that to me. And she probably wouldn't be able to either.

I took one step closer to the edge. The wind whipped around me. I was going to miss this place. But I knew I was just one other person to leave. What happened after Ales was done, I didn't know. But all I knew was doing the right thing.

I raised my foot in the air. One more step and I would be plummeting. I shoved the fear down my throat. There was no time to be scared. I recalled one last memory. It was the first time I had met Ales. How bag and intimidating she was. And then I thought of where we were now.

I smiled. She had grown soft. But I knew that she still had a rock solid core. She could whip anyone's butt in no time flat. I set my foot down and took a deep breath. I would jump. That's how I would do it. But then a call caught me off guard.

"Jayden!" She cried. "Jayden don't do it!"

And the only thing I could think was: you shouldn't have come to find me.


Ales's P.O.V.

I yanked Jayden away from the edge. He stumbled backwards, seemingly in a daze.

"Jayden," I cried. "Why would you do something like that?"

"You shouldn't have come for me," he muttered.

"Is that all you can say? That I shouldn't have come for you?" I asked.

"I don't want you to be hurt," he said.

"I won't be hurt. Listen Jayden. It's just you, me, Mina, Danica, and my mom. That everyone left here on this wasteland. If you think I'm gonna be hurt, you're wrong. I could never live thinking that you killed yourself instead of me doing my job. It's nothing that I wanted but you have to understand that I would never want you to die alone."

Jayden say in silence. I had tried to convey my message but it had seemed jumbled in the tears.

"Alright," Jayden said after a while.

"Alright what?"

"I think that it is time. You've come down to the last people. The people that you love and care about. Take me and Mina and then go take your mom. If you do that, with Danica for assistance, then you will be alright. You will win at this horrid game."

I say there quietly. "Alright," I said.

"Ales," he whispered.


"I love you."

At that moment, I winked, and the boy who I had loved for so long fell over dead. Mina and I were crying, and Danica seemed emotional too.

"Ales," Mina said. "It is my time. Take be to the place where Felicia and Jayden lie."

I nodded with a tear and winked. Then, my best friend since kindergarten fell dead too. I looked at them. Their eyes had closed and they laid peacefully next to each other. I let a tear roll down my cheek. After everything that we had done together, it was time for them to go as well. The only one alive now was my mom. And it was time to find her.

"Danica?" I asked, turning to her.


"Ready to go?"

"Let's go find your mom."

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