Chapter 1

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Yea!!! First official day of winter vacation is here! If you are a student like me, then you probably have been looking forward to this all this time! How ironic that this is only Ales's first day of school! 😉 But anyways, let me give you your story! Enjoy!


School. Probably the worst thing invented on the planet. If you are a student, then you know what I mean. Unless, of course, your one of those weird people that like school. How could someone like school? Besides seeing your friends, how?

School is filled with gross stuff, like studying, homework, quizzes, and tests. I have had plenty of experience with that stuff. Four years of this crap! Well, it's if you count kindergarten and pre-k. Which I think it should. I just didn't know at the time. But still. I'm going into fourth grade! Shouldn't one year be enough of our time wasted?

I mean, honestly. What is the whole point of going to stupid school? They say that you learn. That you grow. But I'm not growing any taller! If I'm supposed to grow, then why am I not TALLER than my MOTHER?! And what do they even have you learn? Half the time, no one is listening to the teacher. They just play stupid games and sing stupid songs and teach stupid stuff. Like, how am I going to benefit from learning this stuff?

It's the first day of school. Ick! Disgusting! I hate the first day of school the most because it's super boring! All the teachers talk about is themselves. Hi I'm Ms. Blahblahblah and I'm married and have Blahblah kids and I blah blah blah blah blah. That's pretty much all I hear. I'm just like who cares about your stupid life? If we are here to 'learn' and to 'grow' (which we don't) then why are we 'learning' about your stupid life?! If that is all that you are going to talk about then just send us home! Nobody cares!

If we are actually supposed to go to school to 'learn', then why would you go to learn about people's life? Well, they teach you about rules too. I hate rules. Rules are nasty. The only reason why rules exist is because the people who made them just wanted to ruin our fun. To them, the rules apply to everyone but them. Well, guess what? News Flash! I'm not going to let your stupid rules ruin my fun! Rules don't apply to me. So stop telling me your stupid rules because I don't care and I won't remember them and I won't follow them anyways. It's a stupid waste of my time.

Dang. If I knew more words than things like stupid, my life would be so much more interesting! My stupid vocabulary. Geez. There it is again! Stupid stupid stupid. Argh! If only I knew more. Maybe I should have payed attention more to Language Arts. NO! Besides, they don't teach you any useful information. Yet another reason that I shouldn't have to go to school!

I've begged and pleaded with Mom, but she ain't budging! I have to go to stupid school. Oh. My. Gosh. It's disgusting. I've heard enough stories and done enough push-ups and can't draw or sing and I've done enough math and social studies is the most boring thing in the world and science never does any fun experiments!

Geez! That's a lot!

I've eaten my breakfast and tidied up. And I've complained to Mom a whole lot more. I guess I'm ready, right? Completely ready for another long and boring day.

"Mom, can't I please stay home?" I begged for one last time before she decided to drag me to the car.

"It's important for you to learn. I don't know how many times I have to go over this! You're going! No ifs, ands, or buts about it!"

I huffed in reply and marched off to the car. Mom rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath. One thing that I had learned was to put up a fight. Ain't no one gonna make me do something I don't want to do with out a fight! Mom knows that too. She's received plenty of phone calls about that.

Ms. Cuartafin, I'm afraid that your daughter had once again acted up! She won't stop suggesting that we cancel a very important test and have recess for the rest of the day! She's gotten the kids with her. I'm afraid that this means another detention for her!

Oh my! Yes, that is behavior I see quite a lot! I'm sorry. I've been working on it, but she has quite a personality. I will talk to her later.

Yep! That's a typical phone conversation with my teachers and Mom! Am I ashamed? No way, José! If anything, I'm proud! I keep it up, even if the teachers don't see that I'm doing good for the world. They'll notice one day. And then they'll join me. And I'll start a rebellion. I will one day change the world.

We hop into the car and Mom starts us off, being late, as usual. Yep! I put up a fight!

We drive by the neighbors, who smile at Mom and frown at me. I have quite a reputation as what they call a troublemaker. I prefer the term "making the world a better place by eradicating stupid stuff." My terms better, right? Well, at least stupid works there.

We stay quiet most of the way. It's unusual though, 'cause usually, I'm arguing with Mom about something, whether it be a new law the king has made, or school. I'm determined not to let this time be any different.

"Mom! It's not too late! You can turn around now and save yourself!"

"Ales! You should know better by now! We are going. I don't care how many phone calls I get today; your still going!"

I make a pouty face.

"But Mom!" I whined.

"You should know better!"

We bickered on until the school showed on the horizon.

"We still have a little time! Please Mom! I beg you!"


"This hasn't changed! I will get you tomorrow! You'll be in a world of pain for this!"

Mom shook her head.

We pulled into the car rider line and Mom rolled down the window as an administrator came to release me from my prison.

"Morning Ms. Cuartafin, how are you?"

"I wish you luck, she won't stop complaining about coming to school!"

"Thanks for that, miss."

I scramble out of the car, practically flying out, like a free bird. Mmm! FreeBirds. I'm hungry.

"Behave!" Mom calls.

Of course I won't listen. What's the whole point of being a troublemaker if you can't break the rules? I'm no goody goody!


Woohoo! Week 2 is a goner! What da ya think of THAT? Geez! I love writing rule breaking characters! Especially in a p.o.v. of a kid in school. How about you? Had any of those moments?

I'm exhausted. At least I kept up with the weekly goal. I would like to dedicate this chapter to Canvas_7 , for being my confetti child(don't ask).

By the way, it's almost Christmas. So, Merry Christmas! Or...early Merry Christmas. But that doesn't sound right. Neither does Happy Early Christmas. You don't say Happy Christmas. Comment if you do! I'm suddenly interested.

Hey, do you see that little star? Do you think you can click it? Thanks!


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