Chapter 32

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Mina sat on one sofa, the King on another, and Jayden on the last one. I went and sat down with Jayden, who was wearing a black tux with a bright green tie. He was looking dashing.

"Hello, beautiful," he whispered in my ear as I sat down.

"Hi," I said shyly.

We all got settled before King Struja began.

"You might be wondering why I decided to have this meeting. You might think that it's some sort of welcome thing. But in truth, it's not. Ales, I know how much you hate the subject but I'm afraid that we are going to have to talk about what is going to happen next for the prophecy."

I let out a small whimper and Jayden wrapped his arm around me in a protective gesture.

"I know, I know. But, not matter what we dislike, we must continue on. Do you have a plan that you have been working on?"

"Yes," I say. "We have been going from city to city, working our way across the island."

"Not bad. Continue on that. I have told the police to leave you be but I'm afraid that some are not as kind as they might seem. Be careful around them. Eventually, you will have to take them out too."

"Uh...question," I said. "What happens after everyone dies?"

"That is unknown. Dalavac had written it down, but he then locked it away. Several years ago, in the night, a man, or so we assume, broke into the palace and stole the ending. We haven't found him yet."

"So...why don't they let you read that?"

"It is private information. We are not allowed to know what is ahead for humanity."

"But you know that the world is going to end."

"I think what he is trying to say is that the prophecy should be known but what happens afterwards is left to date," Jayden offers.

"Ok," I say.

That bow tie is making him very sophisticated.

"I'm afraid, though, that is the least of your worries. You need to strategize your plan. Which cities when. How long will you spend. Should you have me line them up or just go around and kill. You need the fine details."

"I can work on that," Mina offered.

"Good. I can give you supplies and try to hold off the police but no guarantees. But now we need to move into the touchier part of this matter."

The mood had swung from light and airy to thick and deep. I could feel and uneasiness flowing throughout me. I buried myself into Jayden's shoulder, unwilling to listen. But I had to.

"One day, you will have to take me, and my staff. You need to figure out when. I have planned for the police to line up later on. But now we need to dive deeper. One day, despite how much we hate it, we will have to take the rest. Our friends and family."

No. I never could. NEVER! I burst up from the sofa, yanking Jayden's arm away from me.

"That's it! I'm not killing my friends or my mom! And I'm not killing you! I hate killing! I just hate it! I can't do this! Do you really expect me, a young teenage girl, to kill an entire nation? Who do you think I am, a ruthless killer?" At this point, I was in tears.

I sank down on to the sofa, letting out uncontrollable sobs. Jayden cradled my head in his lap. Mina looked close to tears.

"Felecia," she said.

"No," I whispered. "I never meant to."

I sit up straight like lightning.

"I never meant to!" I yelled.

This time, Jayden didn't take me back. He and Struja were staring at me and Mina, and I curled up on the other side.

"I...can't...handle this," I said slowly. "I never wanted to do this. I just wanted a normal life. I would have children who learned all my pranks, and I would have a beautiful husband and I would be happy."

We all sat silent.

"Some things happen for a reason," King Struja said quietly.

"Then what is this reason?" I asked, raising my head to meet his gaze.

"You would have never met Jayden. The island would have never been saved. There are many reasons."

"I would have met Jayden. It was my dream to go down to Fin Town. I would have met him eventually."

"There is no guarantee. And besides, it would have been too late."

"For what?" I challenged.

"You might have already been in a relationship. He might have only been a passerby. You would have never known him like you do now."

"That's it! I can't stand you or anyone right now!" I screamed.

I stormed out of the room,
King Struja hot on my trail. I sprinted into my room and slammed the door, locking it behind me. Then, I turned around and rested my back against the door, sliding down as I cried.

I could feel the hot tears streaming down my cheeks and the occasional burst of saltiness in my mouth. I buried my head in my knees and allowed myself to cry.

I thought that I was with a friend. A person who didn't want to rush me. Instead, I have found myself in the hands of the enemy. A man who wants it done. What was I thinking? What was I doing?

I buried my head deeper, ignoring the running makeup that was flowing down my face. I was done with this. Just...why? Why do this to me?

"He's done that to me too."

I looked up to see Danica standing atop my dresser, her blue face looking at me sympathetically.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I have always avoided telling you my past. But I think now is the time. Now you should know why it is painful to hear my fathers name."

"Your FATHER?!"

"Yes. My father. King Struja. Let me start from the beginning."

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