Chapter 12

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I am so sorry for not posting! Just...enjoy! I hope.


My alarm woke us up at 6:30, just as planned. We had slept well, no thoughts penetrating our sleep. It was a dreamless sleep, and it was probably better that way. We were all half asleep, none of us fully awake. Felicia was quietly scolding us, saying how we should have slept in until 7:00. But we had a schedule.

We each pulled out a bag of clothes and changed. Hunger was knawing at me, and I knew that we would need the food for later, so I suggested that we try to find a restaurant.

"Restaurants don't open at 6:30 numb-nut," Felecia said. "That's why we should have slept in."

"Just shut up already," Mina said, her eyelids half way opened from sleepiness.

I nodded, feeling sleep attack me as well. It was a battle I was losing.

"Well, what about a Walgreens? Those are open 24/7. I need some sugar," I said.

"Walgreens?" Mina asked. "And spend our money now? We need it for once we get off the island. That's why we packed food, stupid."

"Fine! Fine, we'll eat our food, then head down to the docks."

Mina and Felecia nodded. I dug though my bag to see what food I had. A banana. Bananas are good. They were full of potassium. That's why you should always take a banana to a party. It's a good breakfast item. And, if you hate all the food a the party, you can eat it. Because food is food. So you can eat all the food and your banana. Get fat. Repeat. Makes a good and healthy lifestyle. But I work out.

I decided to eat the banana, some almonds, and a protein bar. Hopefully, I would get some energy. I really needed it. Especially for today. I was tired today. And I was about ready to take a really long boat ride to another land. AND I have to get settled in. Yep. Defiantly needed some energy.

Ya know, I could really kill for that first day of school meal that Mom made for me. I mean us. The meal that she made just for us, but I ate all of it after she spent a long time prepping it. That's what I meant.

I packed up and chowed down. It wasn't much. Well, except for the banana. Always bring a banana to a party.

I rolled up my sleeping bag and waited for the slowpokes to finish eating. They were taking FOREVER!!!

"Hurry up! We are on a schedule!" I cried.

"It's still too early. You wanted us to wake up at 6:30, you get the side effects," Felecia mumbled.

Mina and I rolled our eyes. I took a swig of water and let the cool drink slide down the back of my throat. Refreshing. I felt a little bit more awake.

"Drink this, it's nice and cool so you should wake up," I said, shaking it in front of Felecia.

She let out a small moan, but grabbed the bottle from me and took a huge swig.

"Better?" I asked, watching her eyes fill with life.

"Not really," she lied.

I laughed and let Mina take a drink. Feeling refreshed, we decided to take down the tent and get ready to board.

The tent felt heavier than usual. It was because my limbs were still half asleep. But, never the less, we still got it done. I stood up with my full load, staggering a little bit. But, despite the staggering, I still flashed a thumbs up to them.

"Let's go," I wheezed.

"Allons-y," Felecia said.

I gave her a confused look.

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