Chapter 18

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"Hey guys?" Jayden yelled. "You done yet? I need to show you something!"

"Yea," Mina and I yelled back.

We both emerged from the bathrooms all clean. New clothes. Jayden seemed to look at us oddly, like he was having a major crush or something. Jayden. Please stop staring. You're creeping me out.

"Hi...uh...right this way. To my room. And yes, Alex, you may enter," Jayden stammered.

"It's ALES," I said.

"Right, right. My bad."

We followed him into his messy room. He walked up to a desk I hadn't seen, due to the piles of clothes and electronics piled on top of it.

"You need to clean this place up," Mina said.

"I got it, Mia," Jayden replied annoyingly.

"It's MINA," Mina said.

"Right, right. Sorry. I've only heard your names once."

"It's two names," I said. "TWO! I realize that your BRAIN CAPACITY might be TO SMALL to remember TWO NAMES but it's ok. I get it."

"Don't worry! I'll have them remembered in a jiffy," he responded, ignoring my awesome diss.

"You should have done that the first time," I retorted.

"Yea, well, anyways," Jayden said, changing the subject. "Look what I found."

We peered over his shoulder to see the city feed up and running on his laptop. He pointed to one of the squares, then tapped on it(it was a touch screen laptop) to enlarge it. What we saw would change our plans.

Police officers had blocked off the streets where my victims laid. They were doing mass examination on the bodies, attempting to figure out how they died.

You might be wondering why we killed those EMT's. Well, there are two reasons. The first is pretty obvious. I have to kill the island. So, just get it over with. The second, well, that's a little more complex.

It's removing medical help. Having them attempting to uncover how they died. And if it is possible for them to come back to life, which is highly doubtful, then they can't come to bring them back.

Boy, that's a creepy thought.

It was important that we stayed out of the police's way. If they caught us, then it would be disastrous.

"Is it still safe to be here?" Mina asked.

"It is safe until they start searching," Jayden replied.

"Searching?" I asked.

"If they ever find out that they didn't die from something like heat stroke or cardiac arrest, then they might start wondering if they're death really was caused by another individual. They'll start searching lots of places. Our apartment will probably be on that list as well."

I let out a tiny whimper.

"Maybe we should watch the news tonight," I said.

Mina gave me a 'are you sure?' look. I gave a nod. She just shrugged in return. Jayden looked confused.

"What are you two doing? Do you have, like, telepathic communications or something? Because, I know that you can kill people with a wink, but does that come with other powers too?" He asked.

I gave him a 'what the hell' look.

"No. I don't have other powers. We have known each other for ever. I am very good at looks," I said.

"Well, you are rocking those basketball shorts," Jayden said. "But I'm not sure those that fits in with that statement..."

"You dumb ass! Looks as in with your eyes!"

"Oh!" Jayden exclaimed. "You learn something knew everyday! The more you know."

I was ready to slap that kid. Or teen. He acted like a kid. So...I was ready to slap that kid teen. Tween? Idiot? Idiot. I was ready to slap that idiot.

"So, are you hungry or something?" Jayden asked, changing the subject.

"No," I said.

"Ok, well-" Jayden started.

"Are you KIDDING ME?! I'm starving!" I exclaimed.

"Me too," Mina added.

" you allergic to anything? Dairy? Nuts? Are you vegetarian?"

"NO! I didn't fight to be at the top of the food chain to be vegetarian!"

"Alright! Alright! Chill! I'll make you dinner, sound cool?"

A change in food sounded great. We had been eating at the pub all the time for lunch and dinner.

"Ok," Mina and I chorused.

Was it weird that I had just met this guy a few hours ago, and already, we were talking like best friends? He was giving us food to eat, a place to sleep, stuff to drink...and he wanted to help us in our dangerous life.

In return, I had given him my permission to come with us(with something to hold over his head), my wise comments(or as you may call them, snarky remarks), and freedom of speech(amazing come backs that can shut anyone up). Fair trade, eh?

I slinked off to our room, happy for a place to get away from the busy life. The stress. The agony. The truth. Mina followed me while Jayden went to the kitchen to make dinner.

"I know you like him," Mina said once we had returned to our rooms.

"What do you mean?"

"You are crushing on him."


"I know that you like his cutesy remarks. That's why you have come backs. You think he's cute. Don't deny it. You like how he's muscular and possibly works out, yet still is super nerdy. You like his skill. You've fallen in love with a total stranger."

"He is NOT a total stranger."

"Still a stranger. And did you just admit that you like him?"

"No, I was correcting your misuse of the word stranger."

"But you didn't deny your love."


"Just admit it already! You love him!"

"How can I be sure that you aren't reciting your own feelings?"

"I'm not. He's out of my league."

"He's out of mine too."

"No he's not. He hits home."

"For you?"

"No. For you."

"I don't know who 'you' is."

"Don't play stupid. You like him. You love him."

"Why are you even bringing up the topic?"

"Don't change the subject!"

"I'm NOT changing the subject!"

"Yes you are! Just admit it already!"


"You will later. I know you will."

"No I won't!"

"Yes you will."

"Not me. But I bet I'll hear you."


"You hungry? Let's go see how he's going with dinner."

"Can't even spend 5 minutes without being with him or even thinking about him!"

"Shut up!"

We both laughed as we walked to the kitchen. As much as I hated it, her words were true. I was crushing on a total stranger. I loved how I had finally found a nerd who was actually slim and worked out. Probably. He would be the lady's man in school. Defiantly popular. But nobody knows that. Don't tell anybody, ok?

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