Chapter 24

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Ever heard something that you didn't believe but knew was true? You know, like if someone died, and you didn't want to believe it, thinking that you would see them again soon.

That's how I have felt multiple times. I didn't believe that I was the chosen one. I didn't believe that I had killed a person. I didn't believe that I had killed my friend. I didn't believe that I was in love. I didn't belive that I now had an unofficial boyfriend. And now, I didn't believe that I was in the palace dungeons.

But I knew that we were. Where else could we be?

No where. No where at all.

All of a sudden, I heard a clunk and the rattle of chains.

"Jayden? Is that you?" I asked.

"No," Jayden said. "What's going on?"

The bars of my cell swung open. I didn't realize that I had a door.

Stupid. How do you think you got in here? Teleporting?

"Miss Ales Curtafin, please follow," a dark figure said.

"Who are you?"

"Miss Ales Curtafin, please follow," the figure said.

"What's going on?" Jayden's voice called.

"Miss Ales Curtafin, please follow. I will not ask you again.

I took a tentative step towards the figure.

"Come," the figure said.

"Ales. Don't go! Don't leave me alone!" Jayden cried.

"I can't! I'm sorry! I'll be back, I promise!" I responded.

But we both knew that I wasn't in control of that. I might never see him again. I couldn't keep that promise. But it was all said in comfort. Just something else to believe. But I know that it isn't true.

Just the opposite of everything else.

I followed the man(I figured out by the voice) through the twists and turns of the dungeon.

"Will he be alright?" I asked.

"Follow me," the man repeated again.

"Answer me!" I cried.

"Mr. Jayden will be alright."

I wished that he could have come with me. I would have demanded for him to come, but I know that the man would have just told me to come. Say all of his 'come...follow' shit.

I know, I know. I don't usually use language. I know how I had said that it would make my life much more interesting, but actually, I just use it when absolutely necessary. This is one of those instances. It was true! His words were just shit!

I walked along, wondering where we were going. I saw a light that the man started heading towards. The light was actually an opening from the dank dungeons. It was a stair case that had to lead to the next floor. A floor that must be more livable than this dump.

The man halted and I stopped behind him, confused. Then, he grabbed, no, yanked the scruff of my neck. My arms were yanked behind me. I let out a yelp of pain. My left arm started throbbing. That was the arm with the broken wrist. Or hand. Which ever it was.

I felt the familiar cold metal of the hand cuffs as the man yanked them on.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelped.

"Keep your mouth shut," the man said.

"Are you a burglar? Are you trying to kidnap me?! Are you trying to kill me? Don't tell me that you are executing me!" I cried.

"I am not a burglar."

"Then what the hell are you doing?" I cried again.

"That is classified."

I rolled my eyes. He yanked me up the stairs, with me stumbling up, trying to keep my balance. When we got to the top, I marveled at the bustling palace. I didn't realize that it was that busy.

The man then halted me again. He pulled out a blind fold and wrestled to get it around me head.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I screamed.

"That is classified," the man said.

"What is your name?" I begged.

"That is classified," the man said.

"Why is everything fucking classified in this fucking palace!" I screamed.

"Watch it," the man said.

"Then why can't you even tell me your stupid name?" I asked.

"It's not important," he responded.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," I cried.

"Watch it. Slip up one more time and you'll regret it."

I shut my mouth. He yanked me along while I stumbled blindly. It was a really good blind fold. I couldn't even see any light. It was completely dark.

Finally, I was yanked to a stop. I flew forward, but I felt a sturdy hand hold me in place. The hand cuffs were clicked off. I rubbed my wrists. I blindly was able to put my left arm back in my sling. It felt better just being able to rest it on, or I guess in, something.

Then, he removed my blindfold. I blink a couple of times to adjust to the brightness. Seriously, it was like staring into a bright light. I might have. I don't know. Once I had adjusted, I took a look at my surroundings. I was standing in front of a door.

It was just a normal door. Well, I take that back. It was huge, arching high to about a foot beneath the huge ceiling. The door was made of a beautiful wood. A large metal door knob rested on the edge of the door. Then I realized that there were two doors. Both huge. What did the door lead to?

The man pushed the door open. The doors opened to a huge room. A large red carpet stretched to another set of doors. What the hell?

Men were lined along the red carpet. The man walked along the carpet and I followed. The men lined along the carpet bowed two at a time. It was like doing the wave, but with bows. And they stayed down once they bowed.

I took a good look at the man. He was dressed like royalty, although I knew that he wasn't King Struja. He might have been one of the royal advisors, or maybe even a soldier.

To more men stood at the doors. They grabbed the metal door rings and pulled them open. The sight that I saw made me gasp. There was no way. Where the man had taken me was crazy.

I was inside the throne room. And standing in front of me was King Struja.

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