Chapter 23

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When I awoke, I didn't remember anything. I didn't know how my hand had been put in a cast and a sling. Why it was put in a cast. Why I was all alone.

How I got in this dark and cold room. Wait. What?

It all came flooding back to me. Fighting off the officers. Watching Mina and Jayden become knocked out. Breaking my hand. Trying to fight off the officers, but failing. And then being knocked out.

How long had I been out? Long enough to be transported and medically taken care of?

I observed the room that I was in. There was four walls and a floor. Duh. They were made of stone. Did jail cells even have stone? Well, there were bars.

A single light was hung above me. I had a bed covered in moth-eaten sheets in one corner. There was a toilet in the other corner. A small sink with a mirror stood close to the toilet.

I crawled over to the bed. I had to use one arm, because my other one was in a sling. And a cast. When I tried to stand, spots came flooding in and I felt super dizzy. I sunk down onto the bed.

My ear was ringing. It was hard to hear anything. I wondered why I was alone. Why Mina and Jayden weren't with me.

Where were Mina and Jayden? Why weren't they here?

"Mina? Jayden?" I called.

"Ales?!" I heard a voice respond.

"Jayden!" I cried.

Thank God that someone was here. His voice had come out croaky and broken. He wasn't doing very well.

"Ales!" Jayden cried.

"Thank God that you're ok!" I called back.

"Well, I'm not ok, but I'm alive," he responded weakly.

"What? Speak to me!" I cried, desperate.

"I have a bad bruise on my head. Got that covered in cloth. I'm trying not to pass out."

"Oh my god!"

I realized that his room must have looked like mine. Mirror included. I looked in the mirror.

What I saw wasn't pretty. I had my head covered in cloth as well. Bandages were wrapped all over. My wrist, of course, was slung in my sling. My clothes had some blood stains and were ripped pretty good. You would have thought that I had gone in battle.

"Ales! Ales, are you still there?" Jayden cried desperately.


"Are you ok?"

"Not really."

"Tell me! What's wrong?"

"Well, I have my head wrapped, like you. I got bandages everywhere. Bloody and ripped clothing. And I think I broke my wrist. Or my hand. It's in a cast and in a sling."

"Oh my God! Ales! You're not doing ok!"

"I know. Do you know where Mina is?"

"No. Trust me. When I woke up, I called and called for you both. No response. I thought that you were dead or something! I was so worried."

"Jayden. Don't worry. I'm ok. Just-"

"Ales! You're not ok!"

"I'm trying not to lose consciousness, ok? But other wise, I'm ok."

"Breaking a wrist is not ok!"

"Jayden! Please-"

"No! Ales! I love you to much to let you get hurt!"

I was silent. He loved me. He wanted to protect me.

"Do you think that we could do something to see each other? I don't care if it's a peep hole," I said.

"No. They took my pack."

Oh my god! My backpack! It was gone!

"Ales! You ok?"

"No! My bag is gone too! All of our fake ID's! All of our geld! It's gone!"

I could hear Jayden panicking from the other side of the wall.

"Calm down! I don't want you passing out on me!" I cried.

I listened as Jayden stopped. His breathing was the only thing that I could hear. We sat there like that for a little while. Just listening to each other's breathing.



Jayden paused.

"I love you."

I let a small smile pass.

"I love you too," I said.

Then, we both just laid down and stayed like that. You could almost hear the smiles on our faces.

I hated boys. I thought that I could stay single for ever. Well, until...maybe college. Or longer. But here I was. I loved a boy. I loved Jayden. And he loved me.

I literally just proclaimed my love for a boy in a cell. If that's what this place was. How stupid did that sound?

Where was I anyways? I knew that it was some sort of jail cell. I just didn't know where. I figured that maybe I was in the police jail. But I knew that wasn't it.

Why would they put a killer in a jail? Isn't that why they had the Clin Island Jail?

Plus, I knew that they didn't have enough cells to only put one person in each. I probably would have been crammed in a cell with a whole bunch of other law breakers.

So where was I? Was I actually in the Clin Island Jail? No. I didn't think so. So where could they have quarantined me?

Some place with a whole bunch of stone, that's for sure.

"Jayden? Do you know where we are?" I asked.

"No clue," he responded.

"Well that's just great. I wish that you were here with me."

"But I am."

"Not in the cell next to me. In here. With me."

"Well. It appears that the cells were made for only one person. Not multiple. I know that this isn't the police department jail in there building. Maybe we are in the Clin Island Jail?"

"To be honest, I don't think that we are."

Jayden was quiet, contemplating what I had said.

"Ok, so...then where are we?"

"That's why I asked you," I responded.

"Well...we could That's impossible."

"What? What?"

"If you don't think that we are at the police station jail, which cells are very small, then that leaves two options. If we aren't in Clin Island Jail, than there is only one other option."

"And what is that?"

"The police just took us to the palace. And we're in the dungeons."

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