Chapter 28

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Ever had something that you never believed? Like on Christmas when you got that gift that you've been dreaming of all year. Or when you got to sleep in. Makes me dream of sleep. Oh, sleep. Where are you?

Well anyways, that what I felt when I walked through those doors. Jayden had taken the lead, but still was wrestling with Mina. Oh, how I love watching the two of them bicker back and forth. Reminds me of what Jayden and I did before he got all lovey-dovey. Nasty! But I still see the real him come out. Like now. It just makes me smile. That's my Jayden!

"Welcome, to Fort Winker!" Jayden cried gleefully.

I laughed. I heard Mina give a playful growl.

"Fort Winker?!" She asked with mock disgust. "Is that the BEST that YOU could COME UP WITH?!"

I laughed harder.

"Yea. Because, you know, we're off on an adventure of winking. We're off to see the wizard! The wonderful wizard of Oz!" He sang.

My belly was starting to hurt, but just from hunger, but from laughter as well. I ignored the playful glares Mina was shooting me as I joined in.

"Because because because because because because..." I sang.

"OF THE WONDERFUL THINGS HE DOES!!!" Jayden and I finished, sing-screaming at the top of our lungs.

We all fell over laughing. Even King Struja was getting a good laugh. Tears were streaming like a river as I tried to calm down, but when ever we came face to face, we launched into another round of belly-aching laughs.

Finally we calmed down enough that we could stand. King Strujs offered his hand, which I gladly took, considering that I wouldn't be able to stand on my wibbly wobbly noodle legs. Finally I was able to take on my surroundings.

What I saw was breathtaking. Like, literally breath taking. I found myself accidentally holding my breath. I didn't realize that I was until a) I felt light headed and b) was about ready to faint. I released it, staying rooted to my spot.

The rom was massive, way bigger than any room I had ever seen. I'm not counting when I was dragged blindfolded through the castle...palace...whatever he lives in. Thing. That's it! Thing! Perfectly descriptive and generic at the same time!

The room had super light blue walls. They almost looked white, but they weren't. The floor was made of rich, chocolate-brown wood.

Off to the left was the living room. It had a white fireplace and mantle which had lovely and vivacious green plants in tan terra cotta pots. A HUGE black flat screen TV on a rotating arm thingy. There were fluffy white couches with blue and green pillows. There was a white shaggy rug that was in the middle of the couches and TV. The fireplace was electric and it was lit to make the room feel so much cozier.

On the other side was the kitchen. It had shining appliances and had white cabinets with a green backsplash. A large bar was set out with three stools. There was also a small table for them to eat at. Off and over by the living room was a door that lead...somewhere. It was amazing.

Jayden smiled at my awe. He was enjoying this.

"On your left-" he started.

"Shut up!" Mina yelled. "It's my turn! Anyways, on your left-"

"No! It's my turn!"

"No it's mine!"





"Stop!" I laughed. "On the left is the living room, on the right is the kitchen. I got it."

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