Chapter 29

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I watched as her turned back around, walking gracefully to the door. Mina and Jayden turned around as he ushered them out, closing the door behind him. I was left all alone. What now?

Closet. Right. Closet. Why was the closet such a big deal? I don't care about closets. Literally, my wardrobe is made up of oversized t-shirts, sweatpants and basketball shorts. So...I mean...I don't even know. I guess the only way is to find out.

I left the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I then wandered over to the door next to it. It toward over me. Ya know, like the cat and mouse analogy I made earlier. Yep, totally ruined the moment again. Great...

I twisted the knob and walked in. It was totally dark. I groped around for a light switch, but found none. Suddenly, a blue light appeared in the center of the room. I approached it cautiously. When I got closer, I realized that it wasn't just any blue light. It was a hologram. I have always dreamed of having a hologram. You see them in movies and the ones in real life are to expensive.

On it was a girl. She was small, but seemed to be around my age.

"Hi!" She said. "My name is Danica Butler! I'm here to help you and be your best friends. Gosh, I haven't had a friend in forever. You really do lose track of time when you are a computer program. Will you be my friend?"

Ok. That was random. But she was so sweet. Just like a little kid.

"Sure," I said.

"Fantastic! I can't wait! I'll help you out the best I can. First off though, I need to take your measurements. I'll take them once a week and get you great clothes to wear!"

"Ok. Just letting you know, I'm not into fancy clothing. I just wear oversized t-shirts, sweatpants, and basketball shorts."

He face fell a little. But she picked it right back up into a smile.

"That's ok. I'll make sure to make you the comfiest clothing you will have ever worn. Now then, in order to take the measurements, I need you to stand with your feet shoulder with apart. Hold your arms out to the side, in line with your shoulders!" She said.

She then demonstrated, keeping her posture upright. I did the same, feeling stupid, but doing it nevertheless.

"Perfect! Now then, stay like that. I'm going to count down to three. Don't move. Three! Two! One!"

A laser flashed, scanning me. I flinched, but only just a little. It wasn't bad enough to ruin my measurements and have to do them again.

"Awesome. I'm getting the clothing now."

There was a light hum.

"I got them!"

"Great. Can we turn the lights on?"

"Of course!"

The light faded from blackness to sunshine in a few seconds. Danica was actually standing on a small dresser island. The room was round with different shelves and racks filled with different things.

One section had sweat pants, another had shirts, another, boots. There were flannel pants, shorts, shoes, and so much more. Yes, there was some dresses, but I guessed that those were for special occasions.

"Wow. I'm not in to clothes"

"Your gosh! How could I?" Danica said, her happy face melting into a state of panic.

"What?! What is it?!" I asked frantically.

"I completely forgot to ask your name! Oh how embarrassing!" She cried, her cheeks becoming a deeper shade of blue.

I laughed.

"It's not big deal. I do that all the time!"

"No! But I guess that it was a glitch in my programming or something or-"

"No, it wasn't," I said sweetly. "It's personality. That's what makes you you. I like it."

"Oh. You do?" She asked hopefully, her cheeks reaching for a darker shade of blue compared to her light blue self.

"Of course!" I answered sweetly.

Danica's cheeks returned to her normal blue and a big smile lept onto her face.

"Ok. Good! So...oh gosh. I feel like an idiot."

"Your not an idiot! Come on. I do worse things. My name is Ales. Ales Curtafin."

"Oh boy! Great to meet you Ales!"

I laughed at her bubbly personality. How fast she could change.

"I love your personality. I like you too, Danica Butler."

She laughed.

"Did I say Butler? That's my middle name!" She laughed.

I smiled.

"You did."

We all laughed again. Her face slowly fell.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Nothing at all," she said, composing herself. "I was just thinking, that's all. Just, forget that I said Butler was my middle name."

"What? What's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing. I past and all. I don't want to share."

"Really? That's ok. The present...right now...for's not good at all. It's crazy, something I never wanted to get in to."

"Oh. I'm glad that we share the pain."

We sat there in silence.

"Do you work for any of my friends closets?" I asked suddenly, feeling stupid as soon as the words came out.

"No, I don't. Just you. My friends take care of them. I work in your room. Your night stand has a hologram node. There is also one inside of this island so you can take me with you! I can travel around to any of the hologram nodes that I want. But I can't leave the palace. Those are my boundaries. The other hologram nodes out there have different people. They can't come here, I can't go there. I help people out."

"Oh. That's good to know."

"Yea...I just don't help out the King."

"Why not?"

"I would rather not, right now."

"Oh," I say simply.

We sat in silence again.

"Do you want to get on these comfy clothes?" Danica asked.

"Sure!" I said.

The racks started rotating, putting the sweatpants I from of me.

"Let's get started!" She exclaimed.


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