Chapter 22

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We parked in a alley that we almost missed. It was well hidden so no one could see it. It was perfect.

Time to get to work. We had to start small, just doing random citizens. I couldn't kill everyone that I saw. We had to be careful about how we went about this. If we slipped up, then we would be screwed.

I helped everyone get the trailers set and bikes plugged in, then knew that it was time to go.

"Maybe we should wait until tomorrow until we go. We just took a long road trip and we need our rest," Jayden said, looking frightened and uncomfortable.

"The sooner that we do this, the better," I said.

Mina nodded.

"Yes. We need to get this out of the way. I hate watching people die," Mina said.

"Oh? How do you think I feel? I have to KILL them!" I exclaimed.

Jayden sighed.

"Can we just get this over with?" He asked. "I don't feel good being in a city with both the king and the police."

"Agreed. Let's go!" Mina said.

We took off, keeping close to the shadows. I let out tiny squeaks when a cop car drove past. Mina elbowed me and reminded me to act natural.

Every once and a while, I would walk up to a person and go through my routine. Walk up. Start to ask a question. Wink when they make eye contact. Except I added in a step especially for Milieu Town. Rush away with out anyone seeing.

The last step was hard. Milieu was packed with people. You always got noticed.

I had the bag filled with geld in my bag. We had all ready debated whether or not to get a hotel. We decided not to. The hotel would be put under our names, and then we would be able to be tracked.

"Hey, Mina?" I asked.


"Can't we stay in a hotel?" I asked. Then I lowered my voice. "That's why we have fake ID's."

Mina took this into consideration. Jayden had heard and now had a look on his face that showed that he too was pondering this question.

"I suppose so," Mina said. "But we have to be careful. We need to keep the bikes and the trailers in a safe place."

I agreed.

"Shouldn't we just park them in the lot?" Jayden asked.

"No. And besides, where are we supposed to charge the bikes?" Mina inquired.

"True. Very true. But then, where are we supposed to put the bikes and trailers?" Jayden asked.

"We can't keep them close. If we put them in the alley way right behind the hotel, the personal will know something is up. They might try to get it towed! And we keep it too far, we might have a hard time finding it. Plus, someone could also find it and steal it or again, have it towed," I offered.

"Then what are we supposed to do?" Jayden asked.

"I don't know. But staying at a hotel might not be the right option," Mina said.

Another person walked past us. I knew that it was time. I hated doing this.

"Excuse me, miss-" I started.

The lady turned to me and I winked. She fell over dead. We then slinked back into the shadows. Then, we heard it.

Sirens. Lot of them.

The police were coming.

"What are we supposed to do?" Jayden cried.

"Act normal," Mina said.

We kept on walking as multiple cars pulled up.

"Stop where you are! Put your hands above your head!" One of the officers called.

We obeyed. Jayden looked like a frightened puppy.

The officers walked up and surrounded us, guns pointed.

"Yes officer?" Mina asked innocently.

"Ok. No silly business! I know that one of you is the killers!" The officer exclaimed.

"Killers?!" Jayden and I exclaimed.

"Don't act dumb! I know that it's one of y'all! Or is it a joint effort?"

"No, officer. I don't know what you are talking about, but I can assure you that we are not killers," Mina said politely.

I decided to let her take the reigns.

"Are you trying to make me look stupid? I know that you kids are the killers! I saw you kill that lady back there!"

"What lady? There's a dead lady?!" Mina cried.

"Shut up! You're under arrest!" The officer cried.

What was I supposed to do? My pen bow and arrow!

I whipped out the pen and started firing my arrows. I nailed them in the arms and legs, but never some where that would kill them.

Mina and Jayden had pulled out their own guns and started firing. No killing. Just injuring.

The officers kept coming. And coming. And coming.

One of them lept onto Mina. I turned around reaching to my sheath for another arrow. Only then did I find out that I was out.

I started to panic. I reached for my pocket, where I had a knife. Jayden was tackled.

Where was that knife?

Wait a second. I am the chosen! I can kill people with a wink!

I started winking like crazy, watching officers drop like flies.

"WATCH OUT!" I heard Mina scream.

Her head was slammed into the cement and she went out cold.

"BEHIND!" Jayden yelled.

His head was also slammed. He was out quicker than Mina.

Then, I felt a large jolt hit me. A officer had barreled into me. I let out a cry. I fell down, feeling something snap. I let out another scream.

I felt the cold metal of the hand cuffs click around my wrists. Light flooded in and out. My head started to swim.

My hand was throbbing. I realized that I had broken something in my hand. Crap.

I thought about the trailer, how all of our stuff was in there. How the possibility of it being stolen was huge.

I fought for consciousness. I couldn't go out. I managed to flip over and wink at the officer above me.

He slid off.

I tried to sit up, but cried out when I put pressure on my broken hand.

I winked at many officers. But I couldn't hold them off.

Another officer climbed on top of me. He grabbed my head, just like what the other officers had done to Mina and Jayden.

He slammed my head down hard. And then the lights went out.


So, I just wanted to say something. Please do not take this chapter the wrong way. Officers today are very kind and I am not trying to get across that they are brutal. This is a different island, a different world, where things are different. So I just wanted to clear up any misconceptions.



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