i have the meanest language arts teacher on campus. Yesterday I had her class last period and i had to speak in front of the whole class. I felt like passing out. I was shaking so much that i thought i was going to die.
I went to the doctor after that and they told me I had a very high blood pressure. Then I had to step on the scale and I've always hated scales.I never run (cause i get severe pain in my ankles. I eat too much. All of my friends skinny. I have what my mom calls thunder thighs. She honestly makes me feel bad about myself.
I wish I could actually run in PE. No one understands how bad I want that. They took me out of PE so now I'm a TA for my old PE teacher.
I look so ugly. I just wish I was skinnier. Cat I know how you feel. Im sorry you feel that way. Its hard I know. Ily no matter what Cat.