Realizing my blessings

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He untied me and started to walk off.

That meant to him for me to get her. But for me it meant to get out of here and this life style.

What was I thinking??


L' Aliyah P.O.V

I opened my eyes slowly and when my eyes were fully open the light hurt my eyes. I heard an annoying beeping sound and saw it was the machine connected to me.

“ Hello L' Aliyah, I'm your nurse Anna do you need anything? ”

I tried to speak but my throat was dry.

I shook my head so she gave me water.

“ We have some visitors outside, they came to see you during your time here. We very happy that you made it through this horrible accident. ” she said with sincere.

I told her about my plan and she agreed to help me plan it. When she was leaving I mumbled a low thank you and she left.

The door opened a couple of minutes after Anna left.

Guess who?

Yes it was Brandon. I decided to play the trick on him.

“ Aliyah, I'm so happy your alive. Imma kill whoever did this shit. ”

I gave him a confused look and said.

“ Do I know you? ”

He looked so hurt, but it was funny to me. If the nurse didn't tell him I lost memory than why did he believe me. Idiot.

“ What the fuck do you mean, who am I?! ” he yelled

“ Uh Sir I forgot to tell you, she lofty her memory due to severe head hits. ”

He started to pace around the room. He sat down on the chair and held his head in his hand rocking back and forth.

I couldn't handle it so I decided to tell him the truth. I know I'm a punk it's whatever, its too much to see him hurt.

“ Brandon I remember you, it's was a joke. ”

“ A joke?! You thought that would be funny?! I thought you were dead! Then I come here and I thought you lost all our memories! That was fucking selfish as fuck! ”

By the end of his yelling I bursted into tears. I didn't know he'd be that affected by it.

Then Ernesto came into the room.

“ Why the fuck is she crying and why are do you look like you want to kill two people? ” he demanded to know.

I was to busy crying to answer and Brandon just glared at me.

You know that moment where you regret doing something due to the reaction of the one you care for? Well that's how I felt.

So I spoke up, Ernesto looked like he was irritated by the lack of answers.

“ I sort of told him that I forgot about him as a joke but he took it deeper than I expected ” I said in a shaky nervous. I didn't know how he'd react.

“ Are you serious?! Shit I'd be mad too if I came here first and you pulled this shit on me! ” He told me.

Now I felt really bad, why did I have to make a dumb joke like that. Stupid me, stupid me.

I just started to silently sob and apologized again. I turned around and laid my head in the pillow.

“ Yo Aliyah I'm kidding. I ain't mad. I just thought it'd be fun to get you back. You know the same way you did to me? ” he smirked.

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