What am I gonna do?

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He came near my face and touched it, oh how much I hate when people touch my face, expect Ernesto.

"Now let's see how we can make you make some noise, let's hope Ernesto come in time to save his girl or you just might become mine. " he said as he licked his lips.

Please Ernesto, please Brandon hurry.


Ernesto's P.O.V ( Back from the scene at the school )

I looked all over for her, but I didn't see her. Why did she leave so fast?

Did I do something? I hope not. After that conversation in class it's like she's been avoiding me.

I can't have her avoiding me too.

I thought for a second. If she didn't come with her car and she left early she must've either left with someone else or waiting for the bus.

I knew that Brandon was still inside messing with hoes so she didn't leave with him, which means she is going to take the bus.

I started to speed walk to the bus stop it was five minutes away from the school.

As I approached i saw the black car that belonged to Jaxon.

He saw me and smirked ad he put her into the car.




That's all I could say. He fucking took her!

What the hell was i suppose to tell Brandon now.

Um Man Jaxon took your best friend, you know the one that's like your sister? Ya I tried to run but I don't make it. He took her man.

Huhh, was I suppose to tell him that?!

If I was him I would kill me. How could I let her out of my site when I knew he always tries to fuck things up for Brandon and I.

So now I have to tell Brandon and we have to make a plan to not only get L'Aliyah back but to put an end to Jaxon.

Let's hope I make it through this. You know without Brandon killing me for letting his sister get taken.




Read the next chapter to find out!

Another update!

I hope it has less grammatical errors then the previous chapter.

Thanks for reading! Hoped you enjoyed this short chapter, the next one will probably be longer.

Lots of love,

Queen Love 💗💗

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