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Why did everything have to be so hard? Why do people continuously judge me?

The thing most people didn't know was another deep secret that I didn't plan on revealing to anyone just yet. I mean only Brandon knew.


What's your favorite childhood memory?" I asked her.

She froze for a second.

"Um my daughter daddy moments." She answered my questions.

"Why?" I pressed on

"Because he showed me so much love that I may never receive from someone again." I could hear the pain in her voice.

I nodded my head and wrote down her answer.

"Hows someone you miss?" She asked me.

I was sort of afraid to answer that question but then again she answered mine.

"My mother, I know your gonna say why so I'll just tell you. She died when I was two and she was the only one that understood me. She was my best friend." I responded remembering all the memories.

"I understand exactly what your talking about and feeling." she said I knew she was trying to make me feel less weak or whatever.

"No you don't, your just working to have money on the side when you have money. You have the best grades in the whole fucking school! Don't say you understand, when you've been eating on a silver plater!" I spat at her.

She looked shocked and hurt at the same time.

"That's where you're wrong. I lost my dad when I was only four years old, I was basically a baby! My dad worked two jobs to keep us together and still was there for me. He made sure I learned that everything we have is to be worked for not to take for granted. I work hard for my grades, to teach Angel better so don't you dare say that! I've been through way to much for you to say that about me!" She spat back at me while tears flowed down her eyes.

I felt bad.

Before I could reply Brandon came and lifted her up and brought her upstairs to her room.

He came back a few minutes later and yelled at me. About what I really don't remember cause I was just thinking about how much I hurt her.

I had to make it up to her.

Aliyah P.O.V


I pressed snooze.




After a couple if times if hitting snooze I woke up I looked at the time.

Shoot! shoot! Its 6:59 and school starts at 7:45 and I'm not even ready.

So you might be like girl you have about fourth five minutes but I take forever!

Maybe I'm exaggerating a little but I don't want to be late! First period starts at 8:25 but I always get there early. For what reason? The world may never know.

But the reason why is because I take a twenty minute shower and take ten to eat and then it takes twenty to get to school by car. Thirty if I have to take Angel to school.

So what I did was set a timer for twenty minutes to finish my shower and eating and start leaving.

******* 20 minutes later *******

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