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I talked to her for a while before feeling her I had to go and it was nice to see her again.

Today seems like its going to be a good day.....or so I thought.


Ernesto P.O.V

I looked at her, she was gorgeous. Ever since she came here she seemed more carefree and comfortable. Yet she's been spending do much time for me she hasn't been there for Brandon and Angel, only me. I feel guilty but I'm just trying to get to know her.

We rolled up to the school and I rushed out so I could open her open the door for her. She looked confused when I rushed out the car.

"Thank You" she said as she blushed and got out the car.

When I got out to open the car door for her, there was so many girls looking at her with the evil eye.

Those girls are just mad because o wouldn't do something like that for them, hilarious.

I walked her to her locker and stood next to her.

Brandon was coming our way and he didn't look all too happy. As soon a he saw L'Aliyah he changed it

"Brandyyy!" L'Aliyah yelled.

As soon she said that his facial expression changed to extreme happiness. He really cares for her. He has always been there protecting her ever since her pops died.

"You've been ignoring me" Brandon replied as he faked cried.

All I did was shake my head.

"I'm so sorry, I know. I've been doing the same thing to Angel. But I'm making it up to her." she looked like she was sad.

"Well as long as you make it up to me, I'll be fine and I'll forgive you for forgetting about your best friend." He told her.

"How about we go to the movies and laser tag in two weeks? That's when I'll get my next check and I promised Angel I'd take her to Chucky and the movies this weekend along with Ernesto."

"Or I can just come with yall" Brandon told her as he looked at me suspiciously.

I swear this dude is a baby at times and he swears that I have a bad intention for wanting to be with his best friend. I only wanna go because I wanna be with her and Angel.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Yes! You know I love baby games" He exclaimed.

"Um, ok." She looked at him like he grew ten heads and then chuckled.

"Yayyy!" he yelled and so many people's head turned but he didn't even care.

He picked her up and spined her around. She was just laughing and giggling. She looked so happy as her hair flew everywhere. Good thing she wasn't wearing a dress or else that would've been flying everywhere too.

Thinking about it now she hasn't wore a dress in all the time I've known her. Bet she'd look like she was worth more than a billion dollars.

************* In Class ***************

" Tell me something embarrassing that happened to you." she asked me.

We were finally getting to work on our project.

If you don't remember and if I remember correctly the project is to get to know each other and then discuss if love is real and forever lasting.

So we were on square one, getting to know about each other.

"Um, When I fell down the stairs in first grade." I said as I scratched my head.

I do that sometimes when I'm embarrassed.

********** 25 minutes later **********
"What do you think about love?" she asked

We've officially moved on to the next part of the project.


Guess what we planned, one of us is playing devil's advocate, did you guess who it is?

If you guessed me then you are completely right.

"I don't know love can be real but I don't entirely know. My parents have real love and it doesn't seem like it's going to die anytime soon." This was a true fact

"Love sometimes hurts someone so bad and that causes them to hurt the ones that love them. So how is love real if it involves so much pain" She questioned me.

To be honest she asked a very hard question and that mad a good point.

Since I was playing devil's advocate I had to come up with something that would make her think really hard on her position.

But she had a really good point.

"If love is real it won't be easy and if it's easy it's not love" I told her. I read that from an Instagram post.

"Im not talking about partner love I'm talking about loved ones. Like the person's kids." she clarified.

"If love with their 'soul mate' was real and forever in lasting then why would they hurt the ones they love because the one they once loved or still love is gone."

Right then and there I knew that she was talking about her personal situation. I couldn't come with anything.

"I don't know, maybe that person is going through a hard time because their partner is gone. Maybe they'll come to their senses when that person realizes that they're hurting their loved ones."

She just looked at me for a long time and she said,

"Ok, I think we're good for today."

I could tell she was fighting an internal problem because of the confusion in her eyes.

I nodded my head, we actually did a lot in a short amount of time.

"Now we can move on to the essay and been then move on to the presentation speech and slideshow"

I nodded my head again.


What an update!

Hope y'all enjoyed!

Sorry for any grammatical errors.

Thanks for reading!

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Lots of love,

👑 Queen Korah👑

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