Project Time

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Recap: Yay! Finally I can now eat sine real good and get back to working hard to get out of this place.

And that was my main goal no one would stop me.


When we arrived home all I could think about was the project that was due in less than two weeks.

"Ernesto!" I yelled in the house because honestly as soon as we came home I haven't seen him.

"What?!" he yelled back.

Didn't he remember about this project?

"Cone downstairs I need you here!" I yelled back.

"Both of y'all need to shut the fuck up! " Brandon yelled from the living room.

Thank goodness that Angel was in the basement playing her games.

I heard Ernesto coming, well running down the stairs. Then I heard a big thud, did he just fall?

I walked just to see he jumped down five steps in the stairs.

"Hey babe you said you needed me? So here I am" he said yo me and ended his phrase with a wink.

Why didn't I think that he was going to take those words in a another way then it was meant to be taken?

" I didn't mean it like that idiot! " I exclaimed and pushed him by the shoulder.

" Don't they all say th-" I gave him that look and he didn't even finish his sentence.

"Ok so what did you need me for, if it wasn't for pleasure?" he asked

" Our project that's due unless then two weeks. " I informed him.

" So we can do it next week." he said.

Is her serious? You've got to be kidding me!

" We're suppose to right a three paragraph essay about each other. But before we can do that we have to learn about what has made us who we are now!" I yelled at him

"I'm not going to fail this because you want to be lazy! We're doing this today and not next week. We've had a whole month and i was in the hospital for the lost of it and I'm not going to use that as an excuse." I added on before he could say anything.

"Dang ok ok! We can do it today. I didn't know it was a big deal to you. You know you have a doctors note that excuses you from all your work and as your partner we would've gotten just a little bit longer." he tired to tempt me but it wasn't going to work.

I gave him that look and he just stared at me. I guess that he wanted to see that I'd give up first.

So I just stared and stared and stared.

******* 3 minutes later *********

We were still currently having the stare down.

I was going to give up because I was wasting precious time that I couldn't get back.


Surprisingly he gave up first, ha loser.

"Haha I win you losee!!!" I said as I jumped around

"Whatever. Let's just get started on the project" he said but you could see he was trying to hide a smile.

" Ok so basically we're going to play a longer version of 21 questions" I informed him and he nodded his head.

I took out two not pads and gave one to him to write down the answers to the questions.

" What's your favorite color? " I asked him.

"Red" he replied.


"It's the color of blood." he said calm as a sleeping baby.


We asked about thirty other questions before these two questions that struck the most.

"What's your favorite childhood memory?" He asked me.

I froze for a second because I didn't have that many I lost my dad at an early age. I barely have memories about him.

"Um my daughter daddy moments." I answered his questions.

"Why?" he pressed on

"Because he showed me so much love that I may never receive from someone again." I said with tears threaten to fall.

Ernesto nodded his head and write down my answer.

"Hows someone you miss?" I asked him

His eyes got cold and hard. For a second I thought he would flip but he surprised me.

"My mother, I know your gonna say why so I'll just tell you. She died when I was two and she was the only one that understood me. She was my best friend." he responded he looked so vulnerable and hurt.

I mean at least I can relate to him.

"I understand exactly what your talking about and feeling." I tired to make him feel less vulnerable.

"No you don't, your just working to have money on the side when you have money. You have the best grades in the whole fucking school! Don't say you understand, when you've been eating on a silver plater!" he spat at me.

I was shocked. Did he really think that about me?

"That's where you're wrong. I list my dad when I was only four years old, I was basically a baby! My dad worked two jobs to keep us together and still was there for me. He made eure I learned that everything we have is to be worked for not to take for granted. I work hard for my grades, to teach Angel better so don't you dare say that! I've been through way to much for you to say that about me!" I spat back at him while tears flowed down my eyes.

I felt two arms wrap and my waist and held me.

Immediately I knew it was Brandon. He lifted me up and brought me to my room.

One thing Brandon didn't tolerate was people judging me and assuming things about me.

He kissed me on my forehead and went downstairs.

All I heard was him yelling at Ernesto and then he came back.

The rest of the day involved me and Brandon cuddling and watching movies. Eventually Angel came and joined us.

Why did everything have to be so hard? Why do people continuously judge me?

The thing most people didn't know was another deep secert that I didn't plan on revealing to anyone just yet. I mean only Brandon knew.

What do you think her other secret is?

Will she ever tell anybody?

If she does who will she tell?

If you wanna guess message me or comment your guesses.

Another update!!!

Aren't you happy?!

Don't be a ghost reader and be active ! I love it when y'all are!

Thank you and have a great day/night!

Lots of love,

Queen Love :*

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