Amazing Day

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“I mean you could've showed a little bit more emotion. ”  He stated

“Sorry, I didn't know how to respond back.” I whispered.

“Its OK I'll be a little more understanding now. Your new to this” he said

I nodded.

He probably saw that I was a little upset and confused so he hugged me.

I hugged him back and after a minute we pulled away from each other.


We pulled away from each other and smiled and we got back to the movie.

After the movie:

Ernesto P.O.V:

I looked down at her she was sleeping so peacefully. Something I came to realize was that she always sleeps whenever she's watching a movie. She's a little sleepyhead.

I carried her to her room and on her bed was Angel. Angel had been sleeping for a while now because we put her to bed as soon as she was done with homework.

In the morning:

The sun was shining bright like a diamond. It was so bright that I thought that I was going blind. I couldn't stretch cause there was a heavy muscular arm wrapped around me. As I looked next to me I saw a sleeping Ernesto, not to mention he was shirtless.

Oh. My. Gosh

I looked to my other side to find Angel sleeping. I feel like I've been neglecting her lately because I haven't been spending much time with her. I plan on making it up to her after I get my check this Friday.

I TRIED to shake Ernesto's arm off of me, but that was a major failure. He brought me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me a little more tighter.

Great, now I'm never leaving this bed and I need to.

“ I need to go pee. ” I told him.

“ Ugh, whyy! ” he whined. Little baby.

“ Come on Ernesto, I have to pee. After I have to make breakfast and take care of Angel's hygiene. ” I informed him.

“ Fine, your lucky I like Angel or else I wouldn't have let you go. ” he said as he released

I chuckled and climbed off the bed. As I walk away I felt a hard sting impact in my bottom. I whipped my head immediately and saw Ernesto with a cheeky smile.

“Ow! That hurts” I informed him while rubbing my butt.

“My bad, your ass is just so enchanting I could hold myself back” he responded with a smirk.

“Whatever and watch your language, Angel is in the room”

He nodded like a little kid nodding his head excitedly for ice cream.

I shook my head and walked into the bathroom still rubbing my butt. That smack really hurt, I'm definitely getting him back.

*---After she's done taking a shower---*

“Angel!” I laughed as she splashed the water in my face.

Thank goodness I wasn't dressed in my school clothed or else I would have to get another outfit and that is way too much work.

Angel just kept giggling and laughing cause she was having fun. I wouldn't stop her because she hasn't had time with me ever since that night we cooked together. Its really sad, ever since I came here I haven't been having fun time with her like I use to.

“Angel what do you want to do on Friday and Saturday?” I asked her so I could plan a day for her so she can enjoy herself.

“Can we go Chuwky Cheese and then the mowies?!”Her eyes lit up in excitement and I couldn't help but smile. Her happiness means everything to me and without her her to keep me sane I don't know what I would've become if it wasn't for her to give me the strength to keep pushing forward. 

“That sounds like a great plan! You know how to have fun Angel” I told her as I tickled her.

I took her out the shower and into our room. I let her pick out her own outfit cause she's pretty good at that. Not to mention how much I love her style.

As I was doing her hair she asked “Can Ewestro come?” I couldn't but help how innocent and cute she sounded so I giggled.

“If he says yes when you ask him then he can definitely come.” I told her

“Yayyy!!! Your the best siwter ever!” she clapped and jumped up and down excitedly.

She is so lucky I was done with her pigtails or else she would've changed that comment immediately because I would've been upset and take it out on her.

We walked down and Angel quickly found Ernesto and asked him. He looked up at me in a way to ask if he was allowed to come.

He has become a little more gentle, he would've never asked before. I nodded my head and he look at Angel and smiled.

“Yes I can go!” he told her as he tickled her.

Well this morning for Angel was filled with laughter, tickles and excitement. I hope she doesn't lose all this joy as she's growing up.

*********** After Breakfast **********

Ernesto and I walked Angel into her school and the lady at the front desk looked at us and smiled.

“Hello beauties, I haven't seen you in forever.” I haven't brought Angel to school

I talked to her for a while before feeling her I had to go and it was nice to see her again.

Today seems like its going to be a good day.....or so I thought.


Y'all hate me I get it!

I haven't updated in forever.

I have no excuse just plain laziness.

Thank for reading hope you enjoyed 💖.

Like, comment and share! Thanks guys 💙💙
Lots of love ,

👑 Queen Korah 👑

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