Chapter 16

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The next morning I was running late.  Guess it runs in the bloodline ya know. I met up with Sasuke and Naruto in the main entrance hall. The odd thing was that when I got there Sasuke was facing someone and it looked like they had just been fighting.

"Lee come on!" A girls voice broke from the platform above as I got over next to Naruto.

"This is no time for playing around you fool." A cool voice I recognized as Neji followed as the boy Sasuke was facing ran up to them apologizing.

"Sasuke lets go" I said grabbing his and Naruto's arms and pulled them up the stairs

"Hey Hitomi! slow down!" Both of them were struggling to keep up with me and almost lost their balance.

I paused at the sight of commotion that was down the hall. The door had our room number we were suppose to report to but two older Shinobi weren't letting anyone in. All the rookies were here including Neji's team and a few others.

"What's going on. Don't we need to get in there?"  Naruto yelled as Kiba looked at him.

"Yeah but these guys won't let us through!" Kiba said angrily before returning his attention to the ninja.

Something is wrong here and why do I still feel like someone's watching me. I looked up breaking from my thoughts to see Sasuke staring down Lee, the kid it looked like he was fighting earlier and also Neji's teammate. Neji turned around and studied Sasuke and then me before I looked away and up at the door thinking about before and that's when it clicked.

This can't be the room were suppose to report to cause we are on the second floor and the room we need to go to is on the third.

"Natuto, Sasuke, let's go," I said drawing everyone's attention on me "what? This isn't the right room!"

"What do you mean?" Naruto said blurting out what everyone else was thinking

"I mean it can't be. That room number is suppose to be a third floor room.  We're only on the second floor so how can a third floor room number be on the second floor? Make sense?" I said shrugging causing one of the ninjas blocking the door to laugh.

Suddenly the door changed back to the second floor number it was suppose to be and the two kids turned into two Jonin from our village.  I giggled and blushes at the unwanted attention everyone had started to give me.

"Come on you two." I said walking down the hall to the stairs.

When we made it into the 1st exam room it got a whole lot scarier.  All these big and scary looking ninja from other villages were here so I moved to the back of the group of rookies that entered after Naruto, Sasuke and I. I scanned the group and instantly met eyes with the red-haired sand ninja I met yesterday and quickly ducked down behind Neji, who was the last one in and gave me a questioning look but didn't ask.

"Hitomi," Neji whispered looking back at me "don't be nervous, we'll all do just fine"

His expression went from soft back to serious instantly as he turned his eyes on the group of ninja already seated.  I noticed a ninja by the name of Kabuto was now telling Naruto about the exams and some ninjas. When the topic fell upon the three ninja from the newer Village Hidden in the Sound there was no info besides origin. All of the sudden all three of them came at Kabuto in a matter of seconds.

Just when it looked like a huge fight was going to start the instructor/proctor of the exam walked in and told us all to sit down. When I sat down I was between Tenten , one of Neji's partners, and another genin of the Leaf Village so I felt pretty calm.

"Alright listen up! This exam is going to be a written one. The rules simple. No cheating. Around the perimeter of the room are proctors that will be writing down people they catch cheating. Three strikes and you're out. The catch, if you get caught 3 times, your whole team is out and will be dismissed immediately. The tenth question will be revealed at ten minutes left. You may begin on my mark" The head proctor explained as the other proctors handed out the exam.

I was excited. Tests were my speciality but when I got my test I was all but excited. No one should have this kind of knowledge. Not at our level. How am I suppose to do this?! Better yet.. How is Naruto suppose to do this?!


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