Chapter 13

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"No Hitomi focus! You need to remember to disperse chakra through your blind spot!" Neji yelled jumping in to help me up again.

Neji's training has been tough.  We've trained every day over the past week.  First he started me on my accuracy, he seemed to be impressed with how well I developed using the eyes by myself but made it clear that there is still a lot of things I need to do.  He decided to test my accuracy on hitting the chakra points by testing me on the dummy he use to test on.  That took me an hour, Neji was very impressed.  Next he decided to teach me the Hyuga's secret weapon in a way.  8 trigrams, 64 palms jutsu.  Neji explained to me that this jutsu is different for everyone.  For Neji he uses it as an attack but other members of the clan use it for defense.  After a few days I have discovered that I like to and can use it as both.  Now we were trying to develop my 360 degree awareness.  Neji said mine was good I just needed to get use to the blind spot of the Byakugan eyes.

"Remember Hitomi when you disperse enough chakra you can sense an incoming attack and use your chakra to throw it off course and away from any vital organs." Neji said trying to explain to me before I suddenly started to collapse.

I grabbed onto him and grabbed my collar bone which was all of the sudden was experiencing a searing pain that started to spread through my body. which made it hard for me to move.

"Hitomi!" Neji yelled trying to support me. "Byakugan" 

Neji began to scan my body with his eyes before returning his eyes to mine.

"You're chakra network and body seems fine but I think we should take you  to the hospital to see if maybe you pulled something. Can you stand?" He asked trying to help me up.

I started to stand up but it caused my whole body to seize in pain and I collapsed only to be caught by Neji. 

"Hitomi I got you." Neji said pulling me onto his back before sprinting to the hospital.

I was loosely hanging onto Neji but next thing I know I was waking up in the hospital with Neji talking to the nurse.

"Neji?" I said sitting up wincing a bit at the pain that has seemed to begun to fade away. "Am I okay?" 

Neji turned to me and nodded.

"No physical damage but we have come to think you pulled something so we'll slow  the pace of our training for now." He says sitting at the edge of my bed. "You put me in for a good scare there"

I smiled and laughed a little bit before hugging Neji which seemed to surprise him a little bit.

"Thank you for everything Neji" I said before quickly letting go and smiling "Sorry."

"It's been a pleasure Hitomi. We'll continue soon but I got to go meet my team.  I'll visit later." Neji said before ruffling my hair and running out.

Almost immediately after he left Naruto and Sasuke ran into my room.  I was looking out the window as they had come in.

"Hitomi are you okay?" Naruto said as I turned around to look at them.

"Yeah don't worry about me! Hey where is Kakashi Sensei?" I asked looking between them

"Meeting with the Hokage.  He wants us to meet him at the bridge soon.  Are you able to go Hitomi?" Sasuke asked which I responded with standing up and grabbing my shoes.

"Let's go.  Just take it easy Hitomi" Naruto said as we headed to our usual meeting spot.

To our surprise Kakashi Sensei had actually arrived before we did.

"What took you three so long?" He said looking up from his book he was reading.

"Sorry Neji ran me to the hospital cause I collapsed during our training this morning" I burst our apologizing and rubbing the back of my neck.

Naruto and Sasuke just stared at me astounded.

"You've been training with last years rookie of the year?" Sasuke exclaimed eyes wide.

I nodded quickly before turning back to my dad. 

"What did you need us fore Sensei" I said ignoring the stares from Naruto and Sasuke.

"I've agreed to enter you into the Chunin Exams.  It's up to you though.  You all have to enter as a team"  He said scanning us, Sasuke and I were determine but Naruto...

"What is that?" He asked beyond confused.

"You idiot.  The Chunin Exams are how Genin like us move up to the next level of ninja, Chunin"  Sasuke said before turning to Kakashi Sensei.  "I'm in"

"Well of course I'm in! I'm gonna be Hokage!" Naruto said causing me to giggle a bit. 

"I'm in as well then" I said smiling up at my father.

"It's settled then.  I'll inform the Hokage.  It starts in a week.  Train hard guys." My father said before dashing off.

Chunin Exams huh? Well I better get training.

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