Chapter 27

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Nara Shikamaru


Tsuchi Kin

Shikamaru vs the girl sound ninja. He has the in the bag. He is too smart. Eventually Shikamaru got her with his shadow possession jutsu and smashed her head against the wall. She's not too bring and defiantly not up to Shikamaru's level. He returned to the stands with barely a scratch. As soon as they got Kin off the field the next names were spinning out.

Uzamaki Naruto


Inuzuka Kiba

Naruto vs Kiba? This should be a good fight.

"You got this Naruto I believe in you!" I said smiling at him.

He nodded and walked down to the field. I sat down by Neji's team.

"He stands no chance." Neji said crouching next to me.

"Neji have faith in him. Please." I said looking at him "you'd be surprised"

Neji looked at me before nodding softly.

"Fine." He said before returning his eyes to the field.

Kiba is a really tough opponent and I could see Naruto struggling. This fight is basically 2 vs 1 because Kiba is allowed to use Akamaru in the fight. I could see Naruto was having a lot of trouble and was starting to get worried.

"Naruto cmon! I believe in you!" I yell as Naruto looked back shooting me a smile before getting back into his fight.

Things started to turn for the better after Naruto farted in Kiba's face... Gross... The fight ended with Naruto tricking Kiba by taking a hit but transforming into Akumaru so Kiba got confused and attacked the real Akumaru instead. Naruto won in the end causing all of squad 7 to move forward.

"Way to go Naruto!" I yelled before turning to Neji smirking and adding "I told you"

Neji shook his head as I ran over to Naruto. Hinata was shyly giving him some medicine.

"Way to go Naruto" I said as he walked back over to me.

"I did do good didn't I?" He said laughing goofily.

I smile as we returned to the stands when the next names appear.

Hyuga Hinata


Hyuga Neji

Well this should be interesting...  I noticed Neji's glare. He has always had a strong distaste for the main branch of the Hyuga clan. I remember the one day of our training he told me why I was lucky...

We were sitting in a tree while we were eating as a break during training. I was deep in thought about something that Neji said the other day.

"Hey Neji" I said looking at him.

He looked up at me and gave me a look to continue.

"The other day when we were talking about my mother you said I was lucky that I got to live with my father, Kakashi-Sensei, instead of being a part of the Hyuga clan. Why is that?" I asked before avoiding the glare that now sat upon his face.

"You see. Your mother is my father's younger sister meaning you'd be a part of the side branch of the Hyuga household." Neji said quickly trying to avoid the conversation.

"And?" I mumbled pressing the idea further

"Hinata's father, my father's twin who is a minute younger then hers, became a part of the main branch sense he in a sense is older.   The main branch of the household needs protection. That is the job of the side branch. They brand us. Lay a curse mark upon our heads and kill us if we disobey the will of the main branch." Neji yelled getting frustrated. "My destiny is to give my life protecting princess Hinata and the main branch of our household. Nothing more nothing less"

He had untied his headband at this point and revealed the curse mark that was on his forehead. I touched my finger to it and a well of sadness filled my chest and spilled over through my eyes.  I swiftly wiped the year away from my eyes.

"It's a cage bird.. Just like me.. Just like my father was." Neji said lowering his headband and wiping my eye. "Don't cry for me Hitomi.  Keep that head up and stay strong. Fight through the sorrow and pain"

I nodded my head quickly before the word choice of Neji's hit me "what do you mean was?"

"My father took Hinata's fathers place and was killed."  He said and I dare not press further.

I threw my arms around him as he told me the story of how he was made take Hinata's father's place in death.

"Your mother was lucky. The curse mark should have killed her but someone let her go unharmed and alive" Neji said sadly with the anger frustration thick in his voice "let's get back to training"

Neji's hate for Hinata and the main branch runs deep.  I'm worried for her and him.

(I'm so so so so sorry I haven't updated recently! I've been so behind and busy in school! I hope you like it.. I'll be posting the next few chapters soon)

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