Chapter 18

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(I apologize for not updating but I've had school and shit so I've been very busy but I'm gonna try and update at least 2 times a week and maybe more if I have the time I apologize if I don't get that much updated but once I get use to school I'll update more now on with the chapter!)

The next morning I stood with Naruto and Sasuke in front of the 44th training grounds, a circle of fence with 10 kilometers of deadly forest all surrounding a tower in the middle, where our second part of the exams is being held.

"For the second exam each team starts off with either a heaven or earth scroll" The proctor lady started as she held up both scrolls. "You're job? To travel to the tower and make it with both scrolls by the end of 3 days, the dawn of the 4th day is the deadline"

I looked between Naruto and Sasuke and smiled.

"Guys with my eyes looking and avoiding enemies should be a breeze" I said smiling at them.

"Alright!" Naruto said jumping a bit.

After that we remained silent and then got our scroll, which was an Earth scroll, and proceeded to one of the 44 gates around the edge of the arena.

"We should always stick together no matter what" I reminded them as we prepared ourselves to enter the arena.

Soon all the gates were released and the three of us entered the Forest of Death.


The three of us traveled into the forest a bit before pausing.

"What's out plan?" I ask Naruto and Sasuke keeping my voice low.

"Find a group! Best them up, grab their scroll" Naruto said a little too loudly for my pleasure.

"Shh. Keep your voice down. We should be a little more stealthy then that. We are in my element. My jutsu is more effective in the forest grounds and that is just where we are." I smirked before looking at them again "alright. I think we should split for a second. Try and see what direction to head towards the tower and meet back in 5"

Naruto and Sasuke nodded and all of us scurried up a tree. After a minute of analyzing I realized we needed to head Northeast. I met back with Sasuke on the ground. Naruto shortly followed.

"Hold it" Sasuke spoke up before sending a fist right into Naruto's face

"Sasuke what the hell!?" Naruto yelled rubbing his cheek.

"You're not Naruto. Naruto carried his kunai pouch around his right leg. Yours is on your left." Sasuke pointed out while the Naruto copy smirked

"Congratulations on catching that." The leaf ninja said transforming back into himself.

I smirked at Sasuke and knew this guy was careless.  I made my handsigns before he could even react.

"Leaf style: hidden trap jutsu!" I yelled as the roots from a near tree popped up and grabbed the ninja trapping him.

Sasuke ran in and took the scroll off him. We took off into the trees and Sasuke handed me the scroll.

"A heaven scroll. Just what we needed! Now hold onto it so if we get caught in a trap no one is holding both scrolls." Sasuke said in a low whisper to me as I hid the scroll in my pouch "now locate Naruto with your Byakugan"

I nodded and as I activated my Byakugan and looked around I had to stifle my giggle when I saw Naruto tangled in a trap right above our heads.

"He's farther up this tree tangled in a bunch of wires" I said pulling out a kunai and going to Naruto

Sasuke and I cut him down while rebelling the story of what happened to him and how we have both scrolls now.

"I missed the fighting?" He huffed out angrily as we finally cut him free.

"Yeah but we're sure to run into more people along the way so be prepared to fight at any time Naruto." I said standing up ready to leave.

"Hold on just a minute guys." Sasuke said pulling me back down lowering his voice. "We need a code so if that trick is pulled again the enemy is sure to not know it."

"Right good idea Sasuke" I said nodding as we started to discuss our code.

"The code is 'A ninja must never forget his rules of fighting and must always fight to protect their village' " Sasuke whispered to the two of us, "got it?"

I nodded and sat back while Naruto say dumbfounded.

"Need me to repeat it you dummy?" Sasuke said glaring at Naruto.

"No no I got it!" He said shaking his head but I knew he didn't understand it.

"Alright then let's get a move on" I said as we stood up and started to run.

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