Chapter 22

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Naruto woke up shortly after the fight and the three of us started to get a move on.  We were about half way through the 2nd day by the time we started moving.  As the sun started to set we took a break in the edge of the forest by a small river.  

"We should stay here for the night. Even with Hitomi's eyes it isn't safe.  Besides we are all weak, Hitomi has barely slept and we are almost there" Sasuke said as we started to set up camp.

Sasuke insisted we sleep in shifts and that I should take the last one sense I've been awake or over 24 hours.

"No, no... I'm fine." I insist as I start shifting through my pack.

"Hitomi honestly, sleep we all know you're exhausted" Sasuke said as Naruto nodded in agreement.

"Let's not fight about this, we don't want to draw attention to us.  Hitomi sleep." Naruto said as I sighed knowing I wouldn't win.

I laid down on my mat.  Sasuke chose to take the first watch.  Naruto didn't complain about it because he was tired.  I heard Sasuke pacing and finally settling down against the tree by me.

"Hitomi what part of sleep do you not understand?" He whispered to me.

I sighed and sat up looking at him.

"I can't.  Not after this morning" I said and Sasuke shook his head knowing I've been thinking about his odd actions this morning.

"You really need to sleep please" Sasuke said his concern clear.

"But you weren't yourself!" I yelled in a hushed voice.

"I know I'm sorry.  I had no control.  We can't tell Naruto" He said sternly on the last part.

"I know" I said looking up at him through the dark.

"Sleep you're safe" He said laying a hand on my head and ruffling my hair a bit.  "I'll be watching"

I laid my head back down, soon sleep took me over and I slept all night.


The next morning I woke up after Naruto and Sasuke.  Sasuke left me a note saying they went to get breakfast at the stream but they took the scroll and set up traps that would give them a warning if someone was near me.  I packed my stuff and ran too meet up with them.

When I made it to the stream I saw a third person their just letting go from our scroll.  Sasuke noticed me and waved me out.  As I walked out I noticed the other ninja was Kabuto who was talking to Naruto before the first exam.

"You made it all safe Hitomi" Sasuke asked turning their attention to me as I was halfway out of the trees.

"Yeah but what's Kabuto doing here?" I said looking between them all.

The three pf them broke into a story about how Kabuto saved Naruto from opening the scroll and how Kabuto's team got separated from him.  Sasuke explained how we're right outside a radius of people who have scrolls sit to get last minute pray and how Kabuto was going to assist us.

"Well sounds like a plan then" I shrugged sitting down to eat quick.

"We'll leave in 15" Sasuke said as he invited me over to eat some fish.

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