Chapter 2

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Our eyes met... what a scary look. 

He turned his head and walked away.

The maid next to me said " this is our master. He is pretty handsome, too bad he is going to get married soon "

I said out of curiosity " Emm, how old is the master? And what kind of person he's?"

The maid said "oh, he's so young. He is 17 and will turn 18 soon. He's very rich, his father died and his marriage is only for the sake the family job, you know to make him more powerful, since everyone is waiting to see him down... that's why he's going to marry a woman older than him "

I said " really?! "

She nodded " well, our master doesn't talk much too. He's mysterious, charming and very handsome "

I replied " is that so "

The maid smirked and said " Ah, wait a second, do you like him?  "

I said surprised " ehh? No, I don't!  "

She laughed and said " well, you're pretty young for him, and he is going to marry anyways. You're still a kid... go to work brat! "

I said " I'm 11 years, I will turn 12 soon! "

She laughed and said "  love doesn't have an age. Alright, don't get mad, you aren't kid... now, it's time to work. Let's go "

I said " yes ma'am, and moved to work "

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