Chapter 4

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Alfred p.o.v:

I'm busy with work nowadays, so I come back really late to my house. All the maids and butlers are asleep, except for one: that kid. She keeps working hard all day.

Whenever I'm home, I look at her without her noticing, she works hard, although she causes some trouble, but nevertheless she fixes them. She works and play: in the same time. She smiles, but it's clear that she is sad, she always talks about her grandfather.

No one notices that I watch her, I do from far. I always keep an eye on her...

Today, I'm going home late, again. I was walking in the hallway, when I saw the maid talk to that kid.

" Jeez, how many times I have to tell you don't make your clothes dirty. Here, I washed them for you. Did you take a bath? "

" Oh... yes, I did "

Somehow, I ended up looking at her... she have a small body and she's still young. She was wearing a towel and her skin are all showing "

The maid " here, let me help you dress up "

" Ehh, no! I'm not kid anymore "

She was laughing and I moved away. I walked to my room, but I couldn't forget the moment when I saw her. It kept in my mind, what am I thinking she is a KID. I changed my clothes and got into bed, but I couldn't let her out of my mind.

* Alexandra p.o.v

My old man asked me to work hard. So, I will do my best.

I made a little trouble, but I was trying to fix what I did. I was working hard till the night because the other maids were too lazy, they gave me all the jobs to do.

One day, I was cleaning an old room and my clothes got dirty, unfortunately.

The maid Serina saw me, she made me take off my clothes and take a bath quickly. She washed my clothes for me: even though she has a bad mouth, she's still good woman. She always helps me whenever I needed help.

She told me that I shouldn't do that and all I say is bla bla, in my mind... Of course.

She was about to dress me up, when I said "I'm not kid anymore! "

At that moment, I noticed someone on the door, but the person walked away I only caught the Shadow.

I told her and she said " no one is awake, besides I didn't notice anyone. It must be your imagination "

She locked the door, then looked at me and smirked " my my, you're growing up, aren't you? "

I blushed and said " ehh, stop saying that! You pervert"

" Just Kidding, I'll leave now "

I said "good night, and thank you"

She turned and smiled, walking away.

Somehow, I was scared being here all by myself, but I have to do it for my grandfather, no... for my old man.

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