chapter 32

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Alexandra p.o.v :

Oh, no!!

Lili hates me!! No, I can't let that happen... she is my best friend!

The one who always smiles to me, act childish, yet has the most cute smile ever.

She worries about me, when I'm not alright. She stands there for me, whenever I need her.

Even though she loved Jack, she accepted the fact that he loves to spend time with me.

She's... my best friend.

No! I won't allow it!! I can't lose her...

" Jack we need to do something..." I said to Jack, who stood there.

" Let it be " he said, looking away.

" What do you mean ...? " I asked with my eyes winded .

" Let her go. That makes things easier, she'll understand that I don't love her "

He turned, and looked at me " then me and you, we can be togeth--" before he finished, I moved my hand and slapped him in the face.

Leaving him in shock.

" I-if my friendship with Lili is over, then my friendship with you is also over!! " I yelled in his face, with anger in my eyes.

Before he says anything, I ran out.

He is not Jack that I know, not Jack the caring person I met years ago...

The memories rushed back into my head...

It was an ordinary day, I walked to the stable back then.

I heard that, there was a new worker.

Hmm, well, it does not Matter.

I walked to the garden.

I walked around, since I finished my work earlier.

Without noticing, I found myself near to the stable.

I saw someone's there, he's the new worker?

He was young, just like me.

He started with careless the horses, the way he feeds them...

He was gentle, nice and... caring.

It's like that he cared for them, not only because of the work...

He suddenly looked in my direction.

" Who are you?" he looked at me .

" Ahh... Emm... I'm Alex! " I said, nervously. He will think that I'm weird or something.

He laughed a bit, then said " I'm Jack... nice to meet you" he smiled to me.


That's how we met he was my first friend.

The very first.

But if I ever happen to lose Lili because of him...

I'll never forgive him.

I arrived and started searching for her, where is she?

I suddenly see all the maids gathered.

What is it?

" Alright, listen to me " said Mr Tom, looking at the maids.

" One or two of you'll be sent to Lord Sam house to work there, as maid " He pouted.

" Who'll Volunteer to go? " He questioned, still looking at them.

" I'll go " Lili raised her hand.

Wait, what? No, she can't go!!

" Alright, get ready. We'll send you there very soon " he said.

" No!! She can't go! " I said to Mr Tom.

" It's already settled " he replied, coldly.

" I'll go instead of her " I said, trying to not let her go there, she needs to stay here and win Jack heart!

" No, even if you do. I won't allow that " he said, looking at me.

" But... why?" I asked, shocked.

" I've ordered that you won't work in any place, other than here " he pouted again.

" That's why, I didn't call you to the gathering "

" But... " I said a bit shocked.

I looked at Lili.

" Please don't go, it was a misunderstood!! " I said to her.

" I don't care anymore. Goodbye, Alex " she said, walking away.

No, this isn't right...

My nightmare has come true .

I lost my two best friends...

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